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Everything posted by darkalecs

  1. Hello, WTS : *Zubei Set grade / *Yaska Mace [C] (sold)/ Adena Giran - classic server. Leave offer in PM. If interested I let u phone number for whatsapp
  2. looks like the best private server coming tommorow! :)
  3. I hope it will be a worth server ! looks good !
  4. STUPID managing of the server ! Do not lose your time on this. As some1 said..they open for 1 month then close it to get again more donation. that's why l2 private servers are dieing !
  5. WTS @ l2citadel : * RUNE CLAN HALL ! * Heavens Divider + 100 earth * MJ Light set / DC Robe set / Tallum h set * Angel Slayer clean * Infernal Master +4 * 300kk adena * 10kk AA * Doombringer 78+sub lvl 72 (if good offer) * Spoiler (BH) lvl 75 * TTS unsealed set * TTS Neck/ 2 x Ring * Any cosmetic (hair accesory / hat, just need to click to get it) message / leave reply
  6. Get your time to download the files for the server! New event incoming for new comers to help them grow a lil' faster ! Join ! http://l2citadel.com/forums/topic/2699-l2citadel-newbie-pack-event-and-exp-runes-for-all/
  7. Awesome community + admins, they have fast respond for problems,issues if u got any. Still its only 1 week past from grand opening ! tommorow you still got time to START on server, register to 7s, in the night the 1st round of mammon, 1st spawn! all is still FRESH! join us! this server needs more players(even if its summer holiday) :)
  8. if u make all the good quest till lvl 21 (newbie towns) and the Cruma Tower chain Quest ,u will have plenty of adena! Its awesome server ! like 4-5 clans seems to be rising, will be interesting on the 1st epic fight ! :) GO fast ,download it and join the community ;)-
  9. can't wait for friday ! it will be interesting server and a GOOD one ! ;)
  10. on l2e-global: Draconic Bow + SA Focus / MJ Light set / TTS set on RPG (Motherland) account: duelist 85(+subclass+noble) (no equip)
  11. Server is interlude. This happens when I try open it with this walker : http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2751/serverej2.c5ce13b70d.jpg[/img] and this is how I open it normaly : http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5311/server2li9.png[/img] http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5311/server2li9.937adffc30.jpg[/img] The thing is that on walker I must set the path to "l2.exe" but srv opens with that "frintezza.exe"
  12. I tryed some 1-2 l2walkers ,but neither one works for this server : www.frintezza.com maybe some1 can help me reply-ing an link with some l2walker that works for this server,thx a lot :>
  13. make em cry heh :>
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