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About diabloczech

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  1. SELLING EUNE lvl 30 acc with FREE TRANSFER TO EUW Lvl 30 75 RP and almost 10k IP Season I - bronze Season II - Gold Season III - I haven!t played much -> 5 games, 2 wins +- 750 normal wins 10 RUNE PAGES!!! Marks: 9x +0,95 Phys Dmg. 9x +1,7% Atk. Spd. 9x +0,87 Magic Pen. 9x +1,28 Armor Pen Seals: 6x +0,76% Atk Spd. 9x +19 Health at level 18 9x +1,2 Mana Regen / 5 at lvl 18 9x +1,41 armor Glyphs: 9x +0,15 mresist per level 9x +0,64% atk spd 9x +3,1 Ability Power at lvl 18 3x -1,11% CD at lvl 18 9x + 0,99 mpreg /5 at lvl 18 Quintessences: 3x +2,25 Atk Dmg 3x +5 Ability Power 2x +2,6 Armor Pen 2x +26 Health 1x +6,8 Armor at lvl 18 Champions -> 51 champions SKIN LIST MOST OF THEM AD CARRIES/SUPPORTS Unchained Alistar Amethys Ashe Officer Caitlyn Urfirider Corki Explorer Ezreal Sailor Gankplank Jailbreak Graves Victorious Janna Judgment Kayle Karate Kennen Traditional LeeSin Haunting Nocturne Bloodstone Taric Gangster Twitch Aristocrat Vayne Tundra Hunter Warwick SEND ME YOUR OFFERS!!!
  2. blah dont like those motha faka post hunters...
  3. Hey guys, i would like to ask u if someone can post here OOG and IG L2W for graciafinal.ru... I know there is possible to bot.. cause catas, varkas and ketras are full of bots.. so if someone can send me those bots... i will be really really happy...
  4. Oooh, hello ortacul, how are u, are u trying to scam another seller?
  5. sup! come on guys! this exclusive EE is here for u! have one serious offer so far, come with more.
  6. bump... come with your offer
  7. bump still lookin for offers
  8. This guy is scamer. Moar infos here. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=152080.0
  9. Ortacul is definetly scamer. Me and my friend sold him our accounts.. provide him all infos including email to change emails... and he disputed his transaction. So we have to proof to paypal, that we sent him all the infos. Dont trust this piece of Romanian ....
  10. +1 for KristetUtseende good and fast trade
  11. bump pm with offer
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