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About Anastasios1988

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  1. Wts tyrant 82 and 90% //BW Heavy Set +4 and 1 part +5//+4Dragon Belt//+11Fist of aden//Brooch Lv5 (Coral Lv3,Amber Lv4,Onys Lv3,Spinel Lv4,Zirgon Lv3,Moonstone Lv3//Talisman Bracelet Lv3 (+6 Aden Talisman,+3 Evas talisman,+2 Speed talisman)//Agathion bracelet Lv4 (Ignis +7,Petram +7,Nebula+6,Procella+5//Black ore earring x2,Black ore ring,Ringof Cadmus,Valakas necklace,Einhasad Pendant Lv2)//Cloak of protection +6// 230kk adena on char add Skype link for safe https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  2. Wts tyrant 82 and 90% //BW Heavy Set +4 and 1 part +5//+4Dragon Belt//+11Fist of aden//Brooch Lv5 (Coral Lv3,Amber Lv4,Onys Lv3,Spinel Lv4,Zirgon Lv3,Moonstone Lv3//Talisman Bracelet Lv3 (+6 Aden Talisman,+3 Evas talisman,+2 Speed talisman)//Agathion bracelet Lv4 (Ignis +7,Petram +7,Nebula+6,Procella+5//Black ore earring x2,Black ore ring,Ringof Cadmus,Valakas necklace,Einhasad Pendant Lv2)//Cloak of protection +6// 230kk adena on char 180 euro add Skype from link be safe https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  3. NAIA 4,8 euro /bill chronos 3 euro/bill GIRAN 4 euro / 10 kk ASTERIOS x7 x5 . 5 euro /bill DEX new 5 euro /bill You can ask me and for other server if want more! add link https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  4. Wts adena Dex new add Skype merlin123436 or link https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  5. Sell 43 bill stock now 4 usd/bill with big amount 3,5 usd Add skype link before topic Merlin123436
  6. Wts adena Naia 20 bill 4 usd /bill add me skype Merlin123436 other post I have and link for Skype
  7. NAIA server 20 bill new stock now 4,5usd / bill character Feoh 106 with Feoh dual 105 exalted full and skills + 10 +++ Iss 105 and 50% hierophand with all buffs naked All offer me link to Skype https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  8. Xmas to all 29/12/2019 sell adena 30 bil stock NAIA server add Skype 5 usd or 4,5 euro /bill https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  9. 25 bill stock Naia 5,5 usd /bill or 5 Euro /bill 8/12/2019 Add me https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  10. last 40 bill 5 euro /bill (1/12/2019) add skype https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  11. WTS ADENA OFF~~~(Naia Server) 5,5 euro/bill~~~ Stock now 85 bill (27-11-2019) Stock now 40 bill (29/11/2019) 5,5 euro/bill Skype Name Merlin123436 link ~~~ https://join.skype.com/invite/fNDICPr9TqBc
  12. with this name find 2 name skype who are you?
  13. Wts Necro 46 lvl Book cdl in wh (Naked) 30 Euro //solved Wts SE Recharcher 57lvl and Sk tank 48 lvl same accounts 65 Euro //solved tyrant 50 lvl legit 40 euro Bishop 50 lvl legit 40 evro Adena 0,7 / 1 kk (500kk stack) BW Leather Set +6 130 euro BW Robe Set +3 all 20 Euro BO Jewl +3 10 Euro Baium Ring ...... i sell all bec i leave from the server ty. Skype: merlin123436 accept only Paypal..if u are greece i can with bank for trasted
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