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•Sufside• last won the day on March 31 2018

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About •Sufside•

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  1. Well , forum and website seems very promised. Good luck
  2. Hello MXC Well i need some help in Lineage II , got a problem with logging. What im saying is that : yestarday i logged to a server , started playing and after some minutes i got dissconected . When i tryed to re-login , in log window i had a message like "You have been blocked from the server for 59 minutes " what the hell is that ??? I never had an issue like that . Well anyway , i waited 1 hour , logged again and everything were fine , but LOL after some minutes i got again dc and the same sh1t . You have been block for 59 minutes ! Can someone help me solve this ? Thanks .
  3. Yeah but im a solo player , and server like c3/c4 x1000 or more doesn't exist . So what should i do like a solo on a x50 or x5 server? :$ it's borred .
  4. Good job admin's! None reaction to players that have some issues . Just money server like always.
  5. For woot i get blocked in server for 1 hour ? LOOL-.-
  6. You have been blocked for 59 minutes out of the server? Is that real , what is this ?
  7. Again Down ! :$
  8. Website Down ! ?
  9. AS usual nothing special , an abvious money server . Bring something new to C6 , borred to playing same servers that are closing in 1 month or 2 .
  10. This is really fail server guys , i dont recommend you to spend your time here , you gonna only loose.I've logged in with my Clan , first 10 minutes were all fine , after we went Valakas full sps party , about 15 minutes or 20 were killing it ,and you know what ? Admin decided to make server restart after 30 minutes of gaming , anyway .We logged back and Valaka was left about 10 % hp . This is really unbelievable i dont know what he did , as on announcement was added more m.deff to RB's , so , we were killing it like about more 40 minutes 10% HP .And when i started to spawn what you did to Valaka we are giving 10 dmg to him , lol ? He answer me on pm " sec nab " , really ? The end was that we were killing it , and 1 more party camed , and because of the restart they tooked the dmg , anyone really fail . Just close this server , doesn't worth even to play here.
  11. Hello guys , im reffering to most skiled i think and experienced Java Dev's , who knows how to code java and work with it.What i would like to ask you guys is that ,i want really to start learning how to code java files , write java codes and start working with Java . What's my point , i like the Lineage 2 game , and maybe someday ill try to do something on my own , so i would like to ask , is there a really good guide of really nice website where i could really learn good things at least in 1 year? I mean i want at least in 1 year to understand what im doing and what i'm coding , maybe not a year maybe longer i don't know that deppends of the time i will have free. So my point is that could you share please with me some really nice and understoodable guides so i could start ? I understand that "Google" helps ,etc but almost that "Forum" created for some reason , and i know that here there are a lot of experienced guys and really skilled that maybe somehow could help me in my start , i would be really greatfull. Thanks for reading ))) Best regards !!!
  12. Εδώ στο Url κάνουμε επικόλληση το : http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/L2_GameServer_T2.3/ και πατάμε Finish! http://i41.tinypic.com/29xhpuw.png Τι κανω αμμα πλεων εχει κλισει αυτο το SVN ? Δλδ η ιστοσελιδα ειναι κλιστη ....
  13. Yeah now i get it ,thanks for your helping friend.You really helped me . Cheers ) At least i know now what to do , and why i couldn't start the server . "BUMP"
  14. Thanks about that , i'm gonna to find out now something new then. So by your opinion the pack i've downloaded is trush ? Or it's just crashed and that's it ? That's why files missing .
  15. OK You can check out what i've "Downloaded" and tell me what's wrong maybe ? I've downloaded this pack for fun , and like a new person in that section i mean lineage 2 setup, pack's , files etc ,i want just to learn some things inside the game by my own , and maybe someday in future when i really get skilled do something, anyway . Check the files i've downloaded https://www.lordcraft.net/topic/9364-sourcetrances-l2gold-project-interlude/
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