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About victor1gr

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  1. Balls (L2 Equanimity Admin) you are corrupted to the bone... Here is another forum post with Balls threatening a player that is obviously desperate after begging Balls on so many threads to apply some fixes/updates on the server. Same thing he did to me and many others all these years. Of course i was not even lucky enough to get a warning before banning like this guy Mutazia :) I'm pasting a screenshot before this one is deleted as well. Now go back to your cave and stop trying to convince people with lies that your server is not dead. Above all, learn to respect people that have invested time and money on your server for years now.
  2. The server is dead as hell and it has been like this for months now. Go out on the forums and see what players say. Of course many like me are banned just because they speak the truth. Many many posts are deleted but still you'll find many posts talking about lack of players, market being dead e.t.c @Style, i care because this used to be a great server. It has nice features and there is potential. But Admin (Balls) turned out to be a really bad/toxic person that has zero respect for anyone. This is the sad truth and i admit i was wrong about him thinking that he was special some years ago when i saw this thread here and decided to give his server a try. Anyone that still thinks about trying, feel free...
  3. I'm quoting this just in case you edit your post later. People can read and judge for themselves who is arrogant here and what each one of us presents. No other comments from my side. Good luck with your server and your life in general. Believe it or not, I mean it.
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