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About LidorNet

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  1. -1/03/2018- Gonna Be Hot! First Aden Sieage 200 Euro - Paypal. First Giran Sieage 150 Euro - Paypal. Tournament 9vs9 (2.3.2018) - Special Gifts. Clans With 9 Player's - Reward LVL 8+Full Skills. All Resists on the Buffer • +Malaria/Flu. GRAND OPENING TIMES: 17:00 PM GMT United Kingdom20.00 PM GMT +3 Russia(Moscow)19.00 PM GMT +2 Lithuania - Romania - Bulgaria - Ukraine - Greece18.00 PM GMT +1 Czech - Poland - Germany15.00 PM GMT -2 Brazil14:00 PM GMT -3 Argentina13:00 PM GMT -4 Venezuela
  2. Hey, dont worry, we will keep to make events for money and etc . And Sure , the events are real. We will pay with paypal/bank .
  3. I whant ppl know it , its a lot money . We make events over 200 euro. And its importat for me, we what to gift us. :)
  4. ● L2Story x1200 Interlude | PvP | No Costum | Safe 4 Max 16 ● Without Option Donate Weapons/Armors/Jwls ! ●Perfect Balance | 500+ Players ●Aden Sieage 200 Euro Real(Paypal/Bank) ●Tournament 9vs9 - 40$(Paypal/Bank) ●1.3.2018 Grand Opening! ●Site: http://L2Story.net
  5. Good morning, coz its pvp server 1.without donate weapons,Jwls,armor. 2.we make events for real money and Etc. 3. we dont like the must admins , think only to take from players money . I think its perfect .
  6. Hey, You can see on the web , we have 2 events after grand opening start and we will make more .
  7. Hey, its just beta for check last bugs / change, in the grand opening will be good :)
  8. Hey, read what i say , Cant buy weapons , jwls , armors . You can buy only color name/tittle Nobless for oly and hats, its not metter and they cost nothing.
  9. 1.3.2018 Start Grand Opening ! No Donate items | Cant Buy weapons,jwls,armors. Safe 4 Max 16 Perfect Balance | 500+ Players Aden Sieage 200 Euro Real Tournament 9vs9- 40$
  10. Today Beta 19:00.
  11. We dont care about money, we dont open for money, we whant to gift us! - Week After Grand Opening Start Aden Event Sieage For 200 Euro Real, Bring your friends !. Day After Grand Opening Start Tournament 9v9 for 40$ , 20 dc , 15 dc. OBT Start 17.2 , for more info join site.
  12. Dear Community, We are glad to announce you that our Grand Opening will be day: 1/03/2018 19:00 GMT+2! OBT - 17/02/2018 - 19:00 GMT+2. Why you should play on our servers: No Costum Items. Best defenses against DDOS attacks. Protection from bots. Smart-Guard Game wthout wipe on the least player. Comfortable game without freezes and delays. PvP / Events 24/7. Helpful administration game/forum/skype. Proffesional Balance Cant Buy With Donate - Weapons,Jwls,Armors. Special Event's: Aden Sieage Castle - 200 Euro ! - 9v9 Tournament ! Features Start LvL: 80. Chroncle: Interlude Basic Rates Experience: 1200x SP: x1200 Adena Drop Rate: 1200x Augmentation About augments, We will have an augment shop.You will have to buy your augment. Peple are available to use 1+1 augments(Active / Passive). Augment in AUGMENT MANNAGER with 20% Chance. Custom Community BoardGM ShopEventsGameplayNPC: Top Players / Heroes / Clans / Castles / Stats Support Enchant RatesEnchant Safe: +4Enchant Weapon Max: +16Enchant Armor Max: +14Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate [Weapon A/S]: [60%] from 4 to 10 , 10-16 [30%]Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate [Armor A/S]: [45%] from 4 to 10 , 10-14 [20%] [if fails back to +4]. Events The events available events are: - Deathmatch. - Team vs Team. - Capture the Flag. - Aden Sieage 200 Euro . - 9v9 Tournament ! Protection's: DDOS PROTECTED! BOTS PROTECTED! Zone'sMain Town [ Giran,Gludio,Goddard Castle Town ] Farm Zone's [Ketra , Varka, Primeval Island] Bosse's [12+] [PVP Zone - Solo] Info: Web: http://l2story.net/ Forum: http://l2story.net/forum/
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