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About acscdc

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  1. how do I work in the l2tower official l2?
  2. ready corrected tanks
  3. ServerInfo Rates XP 20x → SP → 35x Adena 40x → Server 24Horas on Npc Npc Buffer 3Day (Drop) / 30Day/Infinity NPC Donate GK Global NPC Drop Chars Balanced Contacting GM 24H Safe enchant +3 Enchant Max +20 until Donate +25 Weapons / Armors / Jewels Grade - D, C, B, A, S, S80, S84 Grades - D, C, B, A (Do not Turn Cristal, Just Starting grid S) Custom Armors Lunatic - S80 Aqua - S80 Ice - S84 Evil - S84 Vesper - S84 Gold - S84 come check www.elitedragon.rg3.net
  4. Could someone explain to me how do I by element 7 above the level reached in 7 and now do not know what I have to get up to a level which would be 12 stone or question is because I came to the level 9 and level 12 but reach the level 9 not seen sorry my bad inglish
  5. Kali works on gracia? or just editing the armorgrp is only in Interlude
  6. Over o frintezza não ta funcionando e tem alguns boss faltando skill mas do resto esta aparentemente bem muito bom trabalho tomara que na proxima atualização ja esteja funcionando flw vlw
  7. over ta funcionando o frintezza? tem algum bug de boss que não foi corrigido ainda? belo trabalho vlw
  8. the system is to CT2 gracia pt2 but already used to edit all file CT2 gracia not open this system I wanted to take the set eve of this system
  9. way as well? I use the edit file is usually not how to choose the path of these files are the same file from the original
  10. already tried to edit this file but it seems that the files of the same folder as the original does not open this here is the files to open someone please post here pliz http://rapidshare.com/files/177936084/system.rar.html
  11. someone could help me open these files because I tried several file and edit any of these files are opened CT2 gracia pt2
  12. but has several custom items the site is ok will only posting an update to the npc good argument I hope you like this, but not yet started shortly manned
  13. Type I could not make the file. Class of error so you could have done it for the l2joneo do interlude or a tutorial on how to file. Class because ja tried by the command cmd javac and I could not
  14. someone helps me tried to make the file. javac command of the class cmd but the error so someone could help me i copilar this file
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