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  1. As i said in a previous post i managed to make Augmented items tradable and show Augment Stats/Skills in trade window. Normally i should do the same for Private Stores but i dont want them to be able to sold. As i see, everything is around check isTradable(). Now since i made Augmented items tradable, augmented items can be sold on Private Shops. How can i exclude them from the list?
  2. Problem solved.
  3. Guys can someone guide me on this? this is the packet Tradestart and its working perfect: package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.instance.ItemInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.kind.Item; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.trade.TradeList; public class TradeStart extends L2GameServerPacket { private final ItemInstance[] _items; private final TradeList _tradeList; public TradeStart(Player player) { _items = player.getInventory().getAvailableItems(true, false, false); _tradeList = player.getActiveTradeList(); } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { if (_tradeList == null || _tradeList.getPartner() == null) return; writeC(0x1E); writeD(_tradeList.getPartner().getObjectId()); writeH(_items.length); for (ItemInstance temp : _items) { final Item item = temp.getItem(); writeH(item.getType1()); writeD(temp.getObjectId()); writeD(temp.getItemId()); writeD(temp.getCount()); writeH(item.getType2()); int _augorg = 0; int _aug = 0; int _aug2 = 0; int _aug3 = 0; if (temp.isAugmented()) { _augorg = temp.getAugmentation().getId(); _aug = _augorg>>16; _aug2 = _aug; _aug3 = _augorg-(_aug<<16); } writeH(_aug2); writeD(item.getBodyPart()); writeH(temp.getEnchantLevel()); writeH(0x00); writeH(_aug3); } } } How can i do the same on TradeOwnAdd ? Check how it is bellow: package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.trade.TradeItem; public class TradeOwnAdd extends L2GameServerPacket { private final TradeItem _item; public TradeOwnAdd(TradeItem item) { _item = item; } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0x20); writeH(1); // item count writeH(_item.getItem().getType1()); writeD(_item.getObjectId()); writeD(_item.getItem().getItemId()); writeD(_item.getCount()); writeH(_item.getItem().getType2()); writeH(0x00); // ? writeD(_item.getItem().getBodyPart()); writeH(_item.getEnchant()); writeH(0x00); // ? writeH(0x00); } }
  4. Hello McX! Im using aCis 401 and i tryed to adapt a Top Enchant Manager from an older revision. thats my code. In order to make it work i had to make some changes in ItemData.java. Check bellow Is that the correct way? Everything seems to work fine but i want to make sure that is not affected anything else. Thanks in advance.
  5. I managed to do it so i can see augments in trade in my inventory (TradeStart). at the rest packets im not able to do it. Also i think i need to add something in Tradelist. Im using aCis 401 and im still newbie so any help will be very helpfull.
  6. Can someone give me more info? which file do i have to edit in interface and which in source?
  7. How can i make Augmented Items to show in trade window their stats?
  8. I never said that im not a newbie. On Geodata section i have 0 knowledge. Also i never said that acis geodata is not good. I just ask for e better geodata because some friends told me that is a geodata problem. Now i know. if @deMEV can fix this issue for me, please contact me. Ty for you time. Case closed!
  9. Guys why are you so aggressive? We are not all Developers. Im trying to find out what is going wrong. A lot of friends told me that is Geodata problem. Anyway. thank you for you "help".
  10. Some players are falling into graphics in some places and i found on Forge of the Gods one spot that is hard to move. Its not a big deal but if there is any other geodata better than this, i want to buy it/try it.
  11. dude the problem is only on some clan halls. as i know all doors are using the same instance... if there was an error i think all doors should have the same problem under siege end.
  12. yes but im looking for something better
  13. Whats the best Geodata for aCis?
  14. i managed to add it on aCis 399 but i cannot dipsell the last skill of the buffs raw. all the rest are ok. any clue? on the last buff on any raw you need to press at the very left edge to dispell it. if you click on the middle of th e buff icon nothing happened. also if you pres to remove the buff before the last in the row, it is removing the last buff. something wrong with positions const NSTATUSICON_SIZE = 26 ; this i think must be 26 and not 24. for me now is working perfect
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