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About aidie1

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. hm. so if i rightly understand lets look on example: i added to core some quest, i recompiled gameserver project and there after compilation i got in dist folder file like l2jserver.jar which also contains on my local pc in gameserver/libs folder. and all what i need to to change file in my folder with compiled one? then if i rightly understand thats work so: 1.after each compilation after i write any update to core i just need swap this l2jserver.jar 2. and after i upgraded my core with new function like event i just need relalize it on server with mysql/xml/html bt way: adding npc which will start this script, which will be used from core (for example). 3. and i dont need after each compilation change all files in my local project. i just trying understand mechanics how it working. Thanks for advice.
  2. Sorry guys i am pretty new to L2J theme. I compiled, installed, started and tested with compiled one server, but now i am gonna start on Quests and Events, but my head is broken. Subject: For example i got source code of server and compiled one server which i use atm. By next step i put in code changes and i need compile full project again? But whats will be with my changes, which i made on compiled one server? I googled whole day and didnt found answe on this my quest. Subject2: How better work on code with server? I need to make my private svn and put there base code? And update it with tested diffs? Thanks for help.
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