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  1. Season III online!
  2. Season III will start fresh on 27.01.2024 at 19.00 GMT+2, get your system patch v8 from time. www.l2viserion.com
  3. New owner from RU/UA I believe, they remove API too from account control panel, is there any other "User-Agent" I can change? I'm sure I did all codes ok, even with OPEN AI generated code is not working, does not read the votes.. Any help will be super
  4. Hello mate, Unfortunately the same, cannot see votes count, changed the links into tops.ini as well I managed in the past to fix each time but now is not working.
  5. There are new changes in hopzone but I'm unable to fix it, not sure what I do wrong, can anybody help with below code to read the current votes? protected static int getVotes() { InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { if(!hopzoneUrl.endsWith(".html")) hopzoneUrl+=".html"; URLConnection con = new URL(hopzoneUrl).openConnection(); con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); isr = new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()); br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains(":server-votes")||line.contains(":server-votes=")||line.contains("server-votes")||line.contains("server-votes=")||line.contains(":server-votes=\"")) { int votes = Integer.valueOf(line.split("\"")[1].split("\"")[0].split("\"")[2]); //Hopzone line source code: // :server-votes="228" return votes; } } br.close(); isr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[VoteRewardManager]: Problem occured while getting Hopzone votes. Error Trace: " + e.getMessage()); } return -1; }
  6. After 2000 days without wipe L2Viserion started again with many new features, worth to check it out! www.l2viserion.com - get the new system v6
  7. 1030 days online with no wipe, join today most stable High Five server.
  8. 883 days with no wipe, join today: www.l2viserion.com
  9. 780+ days online with no wipe New anti-bot system Improved classes find us at www.l2viserion.com
  10. no wipe for 586 days, www.l2viserion.com
  11. 547 days online with no wipe, added an old pvp special function you can teleport where a PvP is taking place.
  12. 510 days with no wipe and counting! www.l2viserion.com
  13. 444 is the magic number, no wipe and a stable community!
  14. 213 days
  15. 180 days and counting :) join the most stable PVP/CRAFT private server around!
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