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  1. L2j killed this game back in the days people would not even join your server if it was l2j so most servers lied about the server's platform.
  2. Stop insulting people you dont know... they may know you. why so much crying if you are not a reseller? ah guess what 800 people that downloaded this source already. did not work for it like you did. instead probably they have a real job and they make real money unlike you now. Now go develope to the next level and let us be.
  3. Do you realise who you are speaking to?
  4. And its so hard to find the backdoor when you have the source....omg are u serious? sir. everyone sees now that you are trying to cover yourself. thats absolutely fine by me. maybe you are a reseller or whatever. I am just the 1 person that decided to stop the market. this is done. by now enought people have got this share to spread it everywhere. and its genuine.
  5. Since i'm quitting L2 for good and i can see that the only things people share these days is their old trash i am sharing this for old time's sake. To the moderators out there and the administrator of this forum. please dont delete this post there is no point. l2 is dead anyway maybe this will revive it a bit. Also to the selfish little s......ts out there : STOP SELLING THIS AND START SHARING REAL CONTENT. https://www.4shared.com/postDownload/_q2-HNmKei/JJFH.html
  6. Since i'm quitting L2 for good and i can see that the only things people share these days is their old trash i am sharing this for old time's sake. To the moderators out there and the administrator of this forum. please dont delete this post there is no point. l2 is dead anyway maybe this will revive it a bit. Also to the selfish little s......ts out there : STOP SELLING THIS AND START SHARING REAL CONTENT. https://www.4shared.com/postDownload/_q2-HNmKei/JJFH.html
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