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Everything posted by Paponku

  1. So, couple words from me about this server. I had couple months break from l2 and someone recommended me to try this server. As I read it was previously online for over three years so I expected some quality gameplay. I could have never been more wrong :( Let's start with basics: 1. Geodata - I've seen better to say the least. You can stand next to a mob and can't attack it. However water is my favourite. Try swimming underground to catacombs or necropolis. As soon as you point somewhere far underwater game gets stupid and doesn't know what to do. You have to try multiple times and maybe it will finally get that you want to swim down. :) 2. Class balance - Typical l2j. SPS with aura > Any other class. Also I think there's something wrong with stats because as a Soultaker 76lvl (b jewels) with buffs (+Elemental Protection resist) opponents with AM+++ hit me for like 400-500 which seems kinda too low. Especially that I hit them (With SOV +0) for 300-350. But once again, that's typical for l2j servers. 3. Economy - 404 Not Found. Custom currencies usually affect in-game market a little but this is just wow. There are silver coins (That you get for lvling up etc) and special gold coins (for voting for server, mostly) and right now (Actually from the very first day) you can't buy any better items with adena as everyone demands GOLD. Like few thousand of gold for a grade armor set not to mention S grade items prices. Ofc you get 100 of gold coins after you vote (you can do it once eery 12h but you have to be logged in game to do so!), so lets say that you earn 100 gold by voting, another 100 by killing Goldkeeping mobs (kinda champions that MAY drop some gold coins, usually few or none) so you get another 200 golds every day. Cool! But quick count and you'd have to save for 2-3 weeks just to buy any A armor :) Some players sell their gold but atm price for each coin is around 500k and mobs in MOS on higher floors, near Holy Grail room drop less than 100k, so you would have to farm for ages to buy anything. :) There are two ways to overcome it, farm, spoil and craft solo (But you know, sometimes you just have to buy something to save a lot of time and you simply can't because you lack of gold coins:() and the second option is to donate VIP account that grants you more gold coins each day, so you can buy everything quickly. Everythings adds up here ;) I understand that nowadays almost everyone create servers just to get some money from them and it's alright but at least try to not mess economy so much. 4. "Farm Assistant" aka built in BOT - The idea of reducing grind, or actually letting hands rest a bit (As you, hehe, should be near computer when the assistant is switched on) is nice however there were 120% chances that people will abuse it. And it happens all the time, all farming spots are crowded with bot parties. They will never pk you, nor answer any question or even stupid hello but these characters will be the first one to target mobs that just spawn and kill them together. There's some captcha protection that pops out sometimes, but pff, if you run 3 boxes farming one big room in stakato then even if one get kicked for not solving the captcha another two are still farming easily. :) There's .report commands but even though I reported afk bot farmers multiple times nothing ever happened. (One admin can't solve all cases, that's obvious but it's his choice and now he has to live with results of his decisions but players, the ones who don't bot as most do, will get pissed and leave) Here's screen from some typical room in Stakato Nest. 3 chars automatically killing every mobs that spawn in the area, they don't do anything else. And it's same in every bigger, important farming spots, like IT, FOG etc. https://imgur.com/a/OqYhqQB 5. Security issues - Sorry but if some random guy from internet tells me that I should whitelist his files in all antivirus software and then to switch them (AV) fully off just to run a game with his super duper launcher, which is actually quite shitty by the way, then responsible person might say no. The dev should be able to write such soft that doesn't require end user to risk system stability. 6. Online count - At the time I'm writing this .online command in game says that there are 2930 players in-game. Pretty nice but there are lots of offline shops and afk-for-hours characters that count its, lets say 20% of it. Another ~30% are boxes from actual players (spoil+nuker f.e.) and I'd say another 30% are the bots that. These are not solid numbers, more guessing obviously but I think there are 600-1200 real players. --------------The good things: a) The server is quite stable. On first days there were some 1-3s lags from time to time but they seem to be gone now. b) Nice buffer with resists, summon buffs, all prophecies and cov, magnus, vop (!) etc. and thankfully only 24 buffs limit (So no full resists on warriors... if there are any outside towns :)) c) Temporary buff that you get for voting on server. Minor stats boost is always welcome. :) d) Some custom events and stuff. That kind of work should always be respected. Anyway, this message is already much longer that I thought it will be, so quick sum up. - Is it worth your time if you want to play for a week, two, max three? Yes because you won't care too much about multiple bugs and issues here and there, have some fun, sometimes it will drive you nuts and then you will leave like lots of other server. - Is it worth your time if you want to play for 2 years? I highly doubt. This server was online for three years and there are still lots of bugs (There were no fixes over the years) but it feels like random l2j pack with no fixes + custom events on top of that. To be honest I wonder who played for three years in a server where you can get full S in 2 weeks and then what, OE everything? For years? Maybe it's fun for some, I'm not judging.
  2. Thought exactly the same when I saw it. The only changes are name and rates. It will end up like the last time. :(
  3. One word. b u l l s h i t. Black market was empty on server start and the items appeared on second day. You are the type of guy who will lie until the end, so there's no point to keep this discussion going. EOT from me.
  4. 1. Chill, no corruption but S grade items on Black Market that aren't shown on website (like all other S weapons and epic) are totally legit for you? This isn't corruption or secret donation in any way? Removing my character just because someone want nick? SPS with BW set and homu killing BAIUM and couple other high level raid boss solo is fine too? Even though some are weak you just can't solo RB with guards because there are too many of them = too much damage and instant death. But yeah, it's all correct for you. Sorc ('Cranium') with 2k+ cast on aura is legitimate also? Please, don't make it worse for yourself... 2. The RB bug is there at least 1,5 year and it wasn't fixed across few editions that I skipped. No one reported? Weird! None GM ever checked how some people kill rb's - just being curious? Strange things! But as you mentioned you don't have time to play so maybe you also don't have enough time to properly work on the server... Psst, on most servers admins test a lot of thing before opening so they know what to fix. You claim to fix a lot of things, but except the rb teleport I couldn't find anything else and even this didn't work on all RB as you know. By the way, your server is the only one where I played and could kill barakiel without getting a single hit, so if you could give some examples where I can find bugs like this I'd be thankfull because I would know where not to go. 3. You just did it. You skipped whole part of my post that you didn't want to comment and talk only about rb glitches. Skipping it is like confirmation. Scroll back to my post, look on second screenshot linked and then click on this link: http://www.lifedrain.net/ - You probably know the page. Click on Enchant option under Registration and show me, us where are the items that were put in Black Market by OKI? They dissapeared? Just please, don't tell me someone overenchanted them, so they crystalized. They weren't there when I took the screen. After all of this you still claim that your server is not corrupted? That there are no boosted-characters? That there's no secret donation/items for friends? Prove me, us wrong! It's not about the bugs overall, its about how you, administation, help some players and you still try to convince everyone that they are wrong and you are the only one right. Don't expect players to stay on your server when you approve this kind of actions happening. Is it worth the couple euro each reopen? I doubt. If you want to make server for your friends like OKI then it's fine but then don't advertise it for other people, because they will require fair play game, not something similiar to what is happening on you server for 1,5 year at least. You had a lot of chances, every reopen could be a lot better than previous but you still choose to have fun with friends and close server after two weeks. If you didn't get bored of it until now you probably never will and that's the most sad, but it's your life and your choices.
  5. Time pass, there are new editions but this server never changes. Always the same bugs and strangely overpowered characters. * This time, few hours after server start random SPS with bw set + homu killed Baium, Ember, Shax and Varka RB. Varka rb's were quick, it took him just 5-6 min to kill them all. It'd take more to get to them all by foot and he managed to kill them in that time. :D Regular player couldn' do it, but there are normal and 'better' players. :) There were couple people complaining about this action but admins don't care like they didnt in the past editions. https://imgur.com/a/EzonX <- Screen with kills announcements. There's also dark elf with Sorc sub who have 2k+ cast without malaria, but he said that he was just full buffed. I was fullbuffed too, still was much sloooooower. * On server start I have created character, dwarf nicknamed OKI (Just like one of GM's friend who always plays on the server) just to make him angry. You know, first in, best dressed ;) I was really surprised that 2h later I saw announcement that OKI <lel my char which was off> killed RB! It turned out that my character was removed just because GM's friend wanted this nick. Does it seem right? No corruption admins claims? Yeah, legit as fuk. But Admins still say he's just regular player. On server website there's info who owns epics, enchanted weapons (but S+0 counts too somehow) and it shows that earlier mentioned guys owns Baium, but the guy OKI, put today DB+F, SB+F, HD+F, FB, Draco armor and AQ ring on Black Market (auction npc). Magic happened because these were not visible on website, like his account was not counted in ranking in any way. He didn't kill any high lvl RB so I wonder how he got these items ;) At moment of taking screen there was only S dual+0 visible on LifeDrain web enchant bookmark. https://imgur.com/a/KDZvg * RB glitching/Geodata You can easily glitch some mobs so you don't take any damage. For example, step on rock near Barakiel and hit RB, she and guards will fly to you but because of the rock they won't be able to hit you = solo RB. The same applies to Golkonda and stairs. When I played there 1,5-2 years ago it was exactly the same, so it looks like they don't fix any bugs, just reopen each few weeks. *Fake online It's nowhere near to the one shown on server website. There are just few shops in Giran, maybe few players standing. Add to this some farmers etc and it will be maybe 70-150 max. Top1 pvp count=18, it says everything. To sum up, spend there a day because I was just curious if Admins fixed something over the time that I wasn't there. The answer is negative, so I highly recommend all players to avoid this server because there are always admins friends playing (Greetings OKI and TurkHackTeam), who can do and get anything while other to struggle to get equipment. No bug fixing, almost empty server after just 24h. I'll probably get banned for this post but even if one person save time because of this post it's fine. :)
  6. Played there for last week but looks like its about to become empty place. Good things: - Lagless server - 24 buff slots - Reasonable donations (No full items although noblesse characters after 2h of server start while non-donate players were struggling to get B grade was quite funny to see :P) Bad things: - Geodata -> Gremlins in MOS, FOG, really? Not to mention multiple game crashes in some places. - Russian (mainly) botters - but oh, they are everywhere nowadays. Ofcourse, you can say that there's SmartGuard etc but you can see some "weird acting characters", especially bishops on sps's back easily. -> Even after reporting players for botting I met them later, so probably nobody checked it anyway. - If you connect through proxy server sometime when you relog/get dc/get error your character get rolled back for couple minute (not eq, just location of character and subclass) it's really weird. - Fake online. At opening the 1,5k was possible but each day lot of players were leaving and as of today there were maybe 100 players? Probably less. Website counter is obviously cheated. What's more after you press Exit Game your character stays logged in (just like in offline shop), so you can see many 'zombie' characters in cities, which is meant to look like there were more players. Anyway, nice server for 3-4 days until you get EQ, later you will have trouble finding few random people for a rift pt. :)
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