starcraft 2 is gonna rock!!! although blizzard took so long to develop it and release it i think soon we gonna get it.
i hope its gonna give the same feeling like starcraft and brood war amazing games
i think its gonna be a good experience playing cod5, i think Pc is the best gaming machine,the other are too expensive and the dont have so many feautures, i will w8 for the Pc realease and then i will try out:) i ll tell u my opinion when i play it.
I was Playing Diablo 2 in my childhood and the announced its gonna be diablo3 soon after many years...(its still diablo2 :P)
i think lineage will be the same...2011? too long , but we are gonna w8 and see their work and then we will judge:S
Guyz u can use 1.78 walker with modification 1.79 for IL and works perfect.
but the GMs There will ban u in some hours after u use it. even if u are in a town and not hitting mobs etc.
i got banned twice cause i had my client open with l2walker(both times i was in town)