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About Mtoprophy

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  1. Gave all items and accounts infos + mail infos (and help to change my phone number) Missing PK SCROLL A GRADE X50 - Elemental bow (to raid) ---> Really sorry for it, i will send you today, they are on other account obviously and i must install client again to be able to send you. I will send you bonus Adena to excuse i . Sorry, hope you enjoy your new account tho.
  2. Hello, WTS on L2ClassicClub X3 UPDATE, still available 2 accounts: - Spellsinger lvl 70 ---> All skill all dye - NAKED - SwordSinger lvl 44 (had lvl 45) ---> FP SET, Desilusion Sword, D/C jewels mix, wind song - Elemental Summoner lvl 40 - Spellsinger lvl 70 (SOLD) ----> 11KK Adena - Demon Staff +12 - BW Ligt Set - BW Tunic Set (without Helmet, i use it with light set helmet) - BO Necklace +3 - BO Earring +1 - BO Earing - BO Rings (X2) - 17 BSOE - 5 BREZ - Agathiion OneEye Bats (=250 COL) - PK SCROLL A Grade X 100 - POTS LVL 2 HASTE X 100 - - DAMASCUS SWORD - Various Item B GRADE (armors) - +12 WIT DYE - Elemental Summoner lvl 64 (SOLD) ----> 6KK Adena - Zubei Robe Set - Demon Staff +7 - Bo Neckclae, BO Earing (x1) - Adamanite Ring (B) Ring of protection © - Dye +12 WIT - PK SCROLL A GRADE X50 - Elemental bow (to raid) - DEMON SET (stocking +3) - DEMON STOCKING +6 - AVADON SET - Some various item lower grade in Warehouse - Prophet lvl 53 (SOLD) ----> KARMIAN SET - ALL skills learned - SwordSinger lvl 44 (had lvl 45) ---> FP SET, Desilusion Sword, D/C jewels mix, wind song PM ME IF INTERESSED Mail/PIN/Pw with each account
  3. My bad, it was from the beginning 47 and was 80% as announced, perfect seller with all info i confirm
  4. Bought PP 47, it was 46 but i suppose its a misstake and its not important, seller told me DW SB in inventory and it was, helped change all pw, recovery phone number, email from main account, very pro and nice guy, he has other char to sell so dont hesitate, its very serious
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