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Everything posted by bilioo

  1. code work great.. i buyed it :) GL
  2. very nice server, balanced classes, nice GM, JOIN :P
  3. Little info about server site: www.l2world.org You need CReate acc and download system to play GL ! 1st day 70 online ! Rates: XP: x20 SP: x25 Drop: x15 ( no commons ) Spoil: x20 Adena: x30 Quest Drop: x7 Quest Reward: x4 Raid Boss drop: x5 Grand Boss drop: x5 Manor: x2 Rate Extract Fish: x2 NPC: Full NPC Buffer: All buffs PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SS,Cats! GM Shop: Up to B Weapons, armors, Jewels Shots, Consumables Potions, Quest items for Clan level Pets, accsesoars etc etc etc... Skill Enchanter: Support Enchant skill form all character class Global GK: Support Enchant skill form all character class Mammon's: Custom Mammon's in Giran town and use all function from original mammon's.{New} All unseal and special ability for Dynasty,Icarus work 100%. Coin Manager: Can use this npc for Delevel,Remove Clan Wait,Recive Clan Point,Recive Recommend and Reset Karma. Class Master: Not for FREE ! [1 class transfer - Cost: 100,000 Adena.][2 class transfer - Cost: 1,000,000 Adena.][3 class transfer - Cost: 10,000,000 Adena 5,000,000 Ancient Adena. Reward: Giant,s Codex.] Server Events Information: Auto Event: [Team vs Team - every 2 hours.Registration in Giran.Reward: 5 Festival Adena.][Crash Base - every 8 hours. Registration in Goddard.Reward:15 Festival Adena and 25 Coin of Luck.] Passive Event: Trick or Transmutation and Master Yogi Enchanting From all Mobs: Mantra[Fire,Water,Wind] , Event Medal, Alchemist keys. GM Events: Tournament , Vote Event , Mobs Event , Dice Event , Hide and Seek and many more... Grand Olympiad Games Information: Games open 18:00 to 00:00 hours for play.Olympiad calculation every week. Olympiad battle winner reward for class and non-class games. More Information: Sub class without quest max 3 , Sub class max level 85 , Clan war reward 50 point , All talisman work , All caste/clan hall work , Quest for S80 Dynasty Weapon/Armor from Isle of Prayer or Hellbound Work , All Kamaloka instaces work , Emerald Steam instance work , Tower of Naia instance work , Dark Cloud Mansion instance work , Hellbound mobs work , 81 level skills work , 83 level skills work , Auto lern skills , All epic Grand Boss work , Fixed many Raid Boss - Dranael , Kechi , Tears , Baylor , Darion , Epidos , Beleth , Typhoon and many more ... Official Start of x20... 15.12.09 !
  4. please more work on good vs evil , when click to viliage get critical error's, you can use unstuck and you are not Evil or Good , make Security to dual box True False.. thx
  5. in game server and in login server game guard is disabled , but again get error :S
  6. little i think, my client its from long time ct2.2 , how i can fix this ?
  7. when i trying to loggin i get this error on GS how i can fix it , i use phoenix v14998
  8. sry i now see.. :( moderators please change.. or delete post..
  9. when i trying to loggin i get this error on GS how i can fix it , i use phoenix v14998
  10. nice pack. . but .. have bugs.. need fix..
  11. i finded.. some bugs... Native set don't give transform skill.. Welcome ..message give error.. , and raid boss drop its very high when i change it in 5 or 7 ... EPIC BOss drop very much items.. when i changed in 1x.. is good .. but .. normal raids dropped very small in 1x
  12. xmm this pack don't have weight limit ? from where i can increase it ?
  13. For server GRACIA, Friendly community and staff. It is a server that has a very relaxed feeling to it, and a role play theme, making game play very enjoyable. Of course, there are no GM Shops with such little rates, which means that you will have to do everything yourself. The true power of clasic lineage!..but little more faster Wink Server Rates:(Bartz) XP : 25X SP : 25X Adena : 35X Drop : 25X Spoil : 35X 60 sec spown protection X2 party enchant:safe 3 Songs, dances, Buffs - 1 hour! Roy The Cat class changer MP and CP regenaration - 150% Raid bosses have 30% Atk and Def. Helper Shop - Shots, Weps Armors to B Helper Buffer - PP, Global GK Skill Enchanter DAILY BACKUP!!! Siege - working Special Raids - working Global GateKeeper Clan Hall - working Nobles - working Oly - working Stryder`s & pet`s - working Summon - working Alliance - working Clan/Alliance Wars - working Clan 8 lvl & sub clans - avelable Mammon Event's Mob Event's TvT Event's Working Tattoos l2bd.eu
  14. someone sponsor in l2dream? can share v25 ? :P
  15. nice share :o
  16. very coool server ! l2.vipclient.biz mid rate.. very good l2 gracia 2.. ;D
  17. very good server... with 30 40 peoples.. this days i see 3 4 new clans.. with 6 7 players.. from one clan... JOIN NOW ! ;D
  18. upload it .. i want test it :-\ btw this is last release or ? its a v24?
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