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Everything posted by ZeroCool22

  1. I make what say here but now get a error!!!! please is someone can help me... here the screen and my txt My txt: http://rapidshare.com/files/236750456/Potions.java PLease i need help! My Rev is the last of l2j compatible with G. Final: version=${l2j.revision} builddate=20090522_0854 detailed info: committed-rev="3027" name="" committed-date="2009-05-22T10:32:07.061060Z" url="http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer" last-author="_DS_" kind="dir" uuid="d34dfa0f-f91c-0410-86dd-cf06f19dd0ad" repos="http://www.l2jserver.com/svn"
  2. You can see profiles of others players to offcorse only need make "shift+click" in some player and this windows will open like a pop up...
  3. Thx for help me with the code i knoe some ppl here maybe think is not good give the wrok made but this is a great help for a guy like me who don't know much java i m starting in this wolrd of code's, i m trying to lern some of java "is really hard make this alone" but i know this is not a excuse, i m learning first how work all the configs for a server, for what is a every program etc.. i have reading this forum like 5 hours this is really amazing comunity a lot of ideas and creative ppl. again very thx... is good fiind some amigable comunity. i m working with this: version=${l2j.revision} builddate=20090522_0854 detailed info: committed-rev="3027" name="" committed-date="2009-05-22T10:32:07.061060Z" url="http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/trunk/L2_GameServer" last-author="_DS_" kind="dir" uuid="d34dfa0f-f91c-0410-86dd-cf06f19dd0ad" repos="http://www.l2jserver.com/svn"
  4. Player Profile: Invite for event: I see this some time ago in one great server (the admin close the server and i never see him again =[ i think he was talent), i don't know much java, i know here are great coders, i not wanna the work made but if only can oriented me from where start the will help me a lot, i edit codes with Eclipse right? i mean the java part, and laters for buttons and graphic are .htm files... I think the "PROFILE WINDOWS" is nice for motivate the players to make PVP's and get a beter profile you know the players always wanna be the best, and the "WINDOWS FOR EVENT" is good why always some players are distracted making PVPing or farming and not see the announe in chat box, but with this windows they never will lose the chance for join...
  5. Well first hi to all the comunity of Maxcheaters, i m starting in this of l2j servers, i m thinking in mount a l2j server last revision L2jServer rev.6007 (support for gracia final). I have the basics programs like eclipse, navicat, etc... My server wil lbe oriented to PVP, but i wanna put a customs titles for pvp, "not the typical NICK CHANGE OF COLOR" i wanna make something like this: when the player start he have the title Novice, and when start getting PVP the titles goes change example: 20 PVP's Warrior, 80 Soldier, 140 Elite Soldier, 200 Champion etc... one guy give me this code bit i not see where i put the names of titles i think this code is only for the nicks colors..?
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