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About Cabra

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. hey peopple any solution to party heal? some script? without heal my party are incomplete :'( on my server there are champions :S
  2. download the last cracked version
  3. any solution for party heal? :S
  4. buena idea esto de ponerlo en castellano, muchas gracias a los dos ^^
  5. Hi Zoooom i have a problem U_U so...two problems XD the first is that when i log with OOG i don't see the points of another chars or NPC, mobs or something... I only can see it if i activate the names. If not do it, i only see the red point of my char. The second thing is that when i'm fishing, at long it puts me "Packet Error" What happen? some ideas? Thank you :)
  6. hey Zooom! look at the Proxifier, i think my is right >__< i login with Walker, select server, press ok and login with Bake ice and select server. Time later: 17:47:54 - Remote listen thread exit 17:47:54 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 17:47:54 - Local listen thread exit All log: 17:46:59 - Debug build 17:46:59 - Using Proxy: False 17:46:59 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107] 17:47:24 - New local connection[2106] 17:47:24 - Local LS connection->Handle 17:47:27 - End of Local:LS connection 17:47:27 - New local connection[2106] 17:47:27 - Local GS connection->Add to queue 17:47:27 - Local connection waiting 17:47:30 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 17:47:30 - New SOCKS connection for 17:47:31 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 17:47:54 - Remote listen thread exit 17:47:54 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 17:47:54 - Local listen thread exit and i have the same problem that i cannot open Bake ice if i have the proxifier installed x_X Maybe it is because the clean system have to update? Thank you!
  7. Hey ppl! i have problems =/ 1- when i install proxyfiler i can't open the game from my Bake ice (the Start is in color grey and i can't click it). How i can avert installing and uninstalling everytime i want to put the bot? 2- I've managed to put the bot for a short time...but i can manage it another time x_X i don't know what it fail when i login. 23:50:26 - End of Local:LS connection 23:50:47 - New local connection[2106] 23:50:48 - Local LS connection->Handle 23:50:51 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 23:50:51 - New SOCKS connection for 23:50:52 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 23:51:14 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 23:51:14 - Remote listen thread exit 23:51:14 - Local listen thread exit uhm...i've seen that in the video, when he select the server in the list of the bake ice it is a message that in my prog don't exist. Some ideas to solve my problem? thank you ppl!
  8. :O share share share >_< i need your booot!! *-*
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