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Everything posted by la2dream

  1. hi! Becouse this is craft-pvp with raetes x50
  2. thanks!
  3. Now we not closing server! Now we make merging every new server with main, and now online with every day is growing up, also we have new auto events and changes in game! Now we have stability and gurantee 99%! Now, main server live more than 1 year, and will be living more years more!
  4. ENGLISH: GRAND START FEBRUARY 2 MAIN WEBSITE - https://la2dream.com/ Chronicles: Lineage 2 Interlude Server Rates: Exp: x50 Sp: x50 Adena: x10 Items: x30 Spoil: x15 Quests: x10 Rate in some quests: x3-x8 Dear Veterans and future players of our unique world https://la2dream.com/ Interlude x50! We are glad to announce that once again open the gate to our magical world! Here you will meet old friends as well as enemies, you will find a sea of fascinating entertainment and sincere emotions from all heartily! In our world, all are equal, where everyone will follow the norms and the basic rules of the game! La2Dream team promises stable and operational support for every player of our world! The Grand Opening will be on February 2 at 20:00 UTC +3 on Moscow time! GVG tournament will be start on OBT 26.01.2019 (Thursday) at 20:00 Moscow time (+3 UTC) Starting beta testing on January 26 Closed testing will start on January 12 Please bring this information to our veterans and future players! Be ready and look forward to the opening! Other feature - https://la2dream.com/about Many thanks for your attention! Please follow the News! Sincerely, your https://la2dream.com/ team!
  5. Es, kā latviešu admins, varu piedāvāt uzspēlēt manu serveri! https://la2dream.com/
  6. Event - GvG Tournament APRIL 26
  7. took services fast/good/trusted
  8. GRAND START APRIL 28 MAIN WEBSITE - https://la2dream.com/ Chronicles: Lineage 2 Interlude Server Rates: Exp: x50 Sp: x50 Adena: x10 Items: x30 Spoil: x15 Quests: x10 Rate in some quests: x3-x8 OUR EVENTS: La2Dream.com 9x9 GvG Tournament 26.04.2018 - LINK VOICE ROOM FOR FREE - TeamSpeak 3, Mumble, Ventrilo - LINK SKYPE INVITATION - LINK SHARE EVENT - LINK PR EVENT - LINK Other feature - https://la2dream.com/about
  9. GRAND START - September / 30 / 2017 - 20:00 GMT+3 Dear players! Introducing the description of our server, and some of its features Rates Exp: x50 SP: x50 Adena: x10 Drop: x30 Spoil: x15 *Premium Account increases rates x2 (Exp x100, Sp x100, Adena x40, Drop x60, Spoil x30) . Warning! Premium account does not apply to drop from Raid Bosses, quest items. ** Premium Runes increases rates by 50% (For example - Exp Rune give x75 rate exp) Gameplay Number of running windows client: 4 First born character: in top nograde armor + top nograde weapon+ soul/spirit shots Off-Trade: for start off-trade - just sit on trade and close client. Maximum time for off-trade: unlimited /unstuck - 15 seconds Olympiad Period: 1 Month, Item enchant limitation: +6 Siedges: every Saturday The catacombs are open 24 \ 7 Augment weapon can be traded (Item skill you can see in system chat) Market: you can sell \ buying augmented weapons, epic jewelry and more for col, gb, topcoin. Search in offline shopkeepers to teleport to the character. Easy sorting Implemented functionality ACP (AHP AMP). ACP settings are available in the panel ALT + B Weight limit is increased by 50 times. Weight penalty are disabled. Max count items in the inventory increased to 200 Comfortable panel ALT + B. You can order different of services (change of name, gender, nickname and the title color). Buy premium account, buff coin eventually nobless, various clan features and much more. Other panel tab, where you can learn different commands also work to monitor Epik, learn about the time of the raid bosses spawn and get information about the opening event. Reveal hidden contents Global Gatekeeper - free teleport to popular places Interface Features: 2 languages, which are switched in the settings (eng & rus), a fourth panel for skills, advanced inventory. Buffs. buff npc Max Buff slots: 36+4 Comfortable NPC baffer with profiles. NPC Buffer has buff, song, dance of 2nd and 3rd proff. The cost of buffs - 1 000 adena, 3 professions - 1 000 000 adena (up to 40 lvl all buffs - free ) Buff time: 2 hours In the settings has a function of displaying separate buffs \ songs \ Dance (disabled by default) Premium buffs for Champion Coin, Vote Buff Coin [3 hours], or Buff Coin [unlimited] - malaria, nobless, resists and other Reveal hidden contents Raid and Epic Bosses Respawn time of Raid Bosses: from 12 to 13 hours We add static respawn time for quest raidbosses Ali RB respawn time: from 6 to 12 hours All information about respawn time Raid and Epic Bosses you can also see directly in the game - Alt + B - Memo - RaidBoss If Epic Boss no have damage about 30 min - he will "sleep" Professions, skills, subclasses and nobless First profession: you get from server gift 2 500 000 Adena Second profession: you get from server gift 10 500 000 Adena Third profession: you need pay 50 000 000 adena and you get Book of Giants Auto-learning skills Subclass without quest - just add. Maximum 5 subclasses Easy quest for nobless (items Lunargent and Hellfire Oil in Shop) www.la2dream.com http://forum.la2dream.com
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