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Everything posted by TitanDD

  1. damn It now the game crushes after 2-3 minutes smth with game guard in the game server consol.... :P smth like "faild to reply game guard query" sorry for double posting
  2. Thank you you were right. againe...
  3. Yes it is..I think...well I deleted l2 ...installed... and edited the core.dll to kill game guard :)
  4. I tried to figure it out...but I have no clue I t9old myself leave it to the pro's :P Here is the pic this is what happens when I try to log in ... http://www.zix.co.il/viewer.php?id=241187859.JPG And another thing...how do I know what is the admin account ^^ ' Can someone link me a guide to l2j server configuration cuz I don't see posts about it anymore Thx ahead :D
  5. Thx Hax0r now I only need 1 and 4 plox :-\
  6. Hello everyone ! I have a couple of questions about l2j servers...so here we go ^^ : 1.what pc(hardware) do I need in order to run a server with 200 people online ? 2.what internet connection I must have ? 2mbps/2mbps (dl/up) ...or 1/1 ... ? The internet in my country is very expnsive thats why im asking ...no way Ill get 100mbps connection we don't even have such thing..if we do the companies dosen't advertis it. 3.when im runing a server the upload is what matters right ? 4.What opreation system is the most rec for servers ?(xp pro is ok ?) Thx ahead ::)
  7. Good one
  8. Thank you vm :P
  9. Damn This server is blocked hard still can't figure it out...
  10. K I figured that out myself lol... k now I need to know how to make the original l2.exe run with this l2.ini because when I double click the l2.exe It just won't open why ? any idea :P The big question is how can I make l2.exe work with my edited ini file ...? I think I need Working c5 system folder that can be used with IG 1.78...thats means that the l2.exe file spouse to be 480 kb I think plix plox plax help .......... T_T '
  11. ;) May someone please upload the original l2.ini for c5 client in a text file that ill be able to see the content... (need it for my bot) Btw I tried to open the original l2.ini with L2fileedite but no sucess... so if you have the content of the file ... Thanks ahead
  12. l2Gold just sucks they have no antibot system what so ever ...
  13. Thank you for the share.
  14. Thank you..
  15. Thank you very nice works like a charm.
  16. Nice if someone finds the private servers edition Share !
  17. Wtf are you talking about the server is now online.....wtf? Ha-ha you guys are so funny,you can't log in cuz you are using the walker spiceal system lol!!!! I just logged In......... ROFL
  18. I did,I'm not a retard try it now yourself,or if you are kind,upload your system. I tried to replace the l2.exe and the ini file...when i'm trying to log in...nothing
  19. Doesn't work anymore,They fixed it. Btw the old method by killer007 isn't working too.
  20. Can someone solve this mystery?
  21. Np man it's the minimum I can do after you guys helped me with my server.
  22. Oh yeah sorry I know what you talking about thx...but in the config file what is the option that makes the resist?
  23. I don't get it 3rd classes cant get silenced ? and i tried to silence an imp...and it dosen't land...Btw where is that config file you are talking about ? (its name ) ..thx ahead.
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