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Everything posted by TitanDD

  1. Any server owners that might help ... ? I really need you to assist me from the host side they decalme the the cpu usage is 1% and the ram usage is 750 mb out of 4GB and the tarffic is ok and sure the internet conenction is 100 mgps so I dunno .... SUPPORT Thank you alot ::)
  2. Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 4GB DDR2 RAM / 250GB SATA2 HDD Traffic inclusive 200 GB 100 mbps connection Every 12 hours +- my server starts to lag really bad , am I spouse to open ports or something change something ? (NGZ SERVERS BTW ) (the lags dosen't seem to do anything of the number of players online can be 65 people and no lags , can be 40 and there are lags ... smth weird ) Thanks ahead all helpers
  3. Works ,Like a charm, Thank you HAXOR againe ... and anotehr thing ... is it hard to make password recovry system ?
  4. The description says : cancel all of your debuffs. But The funny thing is you can do this skill to everyone accept yourself. is it normal , and if It dosen't how can I change that it will be self buff ?
  5. login varchar password varchar lastactive decimal accessLevel int lastIP varchar lastServerId
  6. Well 6 I think :)
  7. What columns ? ^^
  8. Focus Force on orc tyrant needs to be used 3 or 4 times for it to stick. The system window shows that force increases but it doesn't appear on the buff bar and skills related to it cant be used until it actually shows on the buff bar.
  9. I get this error Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
  10. Actually I didn't understand I have no experince with this kind of stuff may you explain ?
  11. Why when im going to and registering an account it says: "you have registered login sucessfuly" but it dosen't transfer the account to the l2j database : P am I spouse the account manager.bat or smth ? How it works ? and how do I make the possible accounts to create mroe then 1000 ? Thx ahead Guys !
  12. I use preconfigured hellbound pack,NOT all the skills are auto learned for example : Divine Inspiration .... How can I make that all the skills will be auto learned ? Thanks Ahead ^^ all helpers
  13. Thank you, you are the best ^^
  14. Oh yeah I know the web interface thank you,But How do I connect to the server itself ? and transfer files :P
  15. Hello I rented a Server on Ngz to test some stuff, But heh I got the service now I dunno how to connect to the server I got :/ How it works ? How can I transfer files ? How do I work with it ? Is it complicated Need an answer asap :) Thx ahead ^^
  16. I need one for about 500 people online ... with server only so what do you think ?
  17. Thank you sweety,How much traffic is needed ?
  18. so what remotehand means ? when you order server you have Remotehands / Software Service what if im not ordering it so I can't remote control my server ?
  19. mmm I don't know if people are still produce em... ^^ but I have another problem what does this : Remotehands / Software Service means ? and the option to choose are:30 minute/ 60 minute /120 minute Please someonme? I don't know if without it,will I be able to control the server remotely what is that option means ?
  20. No...its in german lang.... I can't order it cuz I can't understand it , I need someone german to help me so german people my msn queenyuli@hotmail.com
  21. Well The subject says it all so can someone recommand on a good host ? , I heard NGZ are good but I can't get it cuz its in german or smth ...can someone help me ? And if I do order from em what Remotehands / Software Service ... means ? Do I have to pay extra to get an acess to the server threw the net ? And how many people can I hold on this machine : System / CPU: Entry: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 Komponenten: 4GB DDR2 RAM / 250GB SATA2 HDD Grundpreis: Housing/Strom/Klima/Infrastruktur Inklusive Traffic: 200 GB IP Art: Standard Betriebssystem: Windows 2003 Standard Server Backupspace: 50 GB Backupspace RTG und Traffickontrolle: Inklusive Reset und Rescue System: Inklusive Selbstständige Neuinstallation: Inklusive Extra IPs Verwaltungsgebühr: - Remotehands / Software Service: Keine Option: Keine Well Thanks ahead everyone ^^
  22. Is there a way to de compile packs ?
  23. Using the Eclipse method ... with l2j .... [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?÷??? ????? what is that error ? is there a way to compile a pack btw ... ?
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