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devaltor last won the day on April 4 2017

devaltor had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About devaltor

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    Promo movies, Intro and etc.

    Motion design, 3d visualization/modeling, graphic design and etc.

    Cinema 4d, After Effects, Realflow, Corel Draw, Photoshop, etc. 5+ years, 300+ orders, 0 denials.

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  1. price 40$ (editing: text/videos/logo, voice over optional) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdB06aRsrhA
  2. maxcheaters.com/topic/213816-promo-movies-for-your-project/
  3. just write me in skype and we can talk about it more
  4. https://youtu.be/_c7ZjTdhKbY
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8z5gBGVDSU
  6. How can i use the button in my topic with new interface oO where is a button?
  7. it is strange, okay i will try to fix it now
  8. Creative design of launcher for Lineage 2. Only 10$ for each PSD file. Buttons have 3 positions (standard, highlighted, pressed). For any language. Contac information: skype: devaltords email: devaltor@gmail.com https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uWelFejMyMI_DsbfW5aPsGKsDF9EwsVf/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1foAMHSX9DsdtsCNPnEHMjcRrhQxNqmOE/view?usp=sharing
  9. My job is searching, editing, compiling, adding something from myself and rendering, this isn't just a rendering. And if some1 want to make somethin special, without footages and etc - I can make it
  10. Read attentively 5 hours for rendering. And If you want to see the original work, without using footage - pay more and you will get it or you can purchase original promo here: https://rivemotion.com/ 1$=67rub
  11. Try to do something like this for free, by the way, only for searching material for the video, I spent about 4 hours+compiling/editing (about 6 hours, cuz a lot of moments are not a templates or footages)+render time(1.5+1+1.5+0.5+.05=5 hours) - 4+6+5=15 hours for 1 video and about 3 hours for short version. 18 hours (+fixes) for 40$ is too much?
  12. Lol)) many large companies use cinema for modeling and not only) not to mention the interior / exterior. I know what i'm talkin about and if you don't want to believe in something - It's your right, only me, my acquaintances and my customers know what am I working with
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