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Posts posted by kenshin52

  1.    If it's randomized, theres gotta be something randomizing it. Aka, something in l2. Meaning if you find what's generating the success and failures, you could most likely find out what succeeds and what fails. Or if theres an actual set pattern like people seem to think.


    well if u wanna know whats randomizing then u have to look at the l2server.exe u have to look at the code but anyway u cant get 100% enchant rate by doing this...

    The idea of enchanting a +5 weapon but telling the server its a +0 weapon doesnt work either... the enchants are serverside saved and u can change it only by enchanting it but maybe u could make a script which will let u buy 10 weapons but all in 1 slot like it worked at c3 and some c4 servers years ago... that would rly help to enchant weapons high enough.....

    I couldnt think of any other exploit which we could use



  2. omg u dont need those files lol

    look the l2.exe is a programm which connects via internet explorer to a machine which saves the ip

    u can decrypt l2.ini and u will see that the ip is wrong the real ip is in the lineage2.ini but it uses the l2.exe and not lineage2.exe

    but u need lineage2.exe to start the game

    so i renamed it to l2.exe and placed the real ip into l2.ini and everything works fine for :D

    if u dont rename it u cant use igwalker.....

    so good luck and pls try to fix this stuff on your own before posting plzzz man help me i cant login with walker


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