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Everything posted by TheEngo

  1. Shilen, the credit transfer was on the To Do list way before I even released the system but thanks for the suggestion anyways.
  2. It's for those that get "Critical Error" and can't connect to their character and there for needs coordinates to be reset. You can easily hide any of the features you don't want players to buy.
  3. Version 1.1 * Added extra security checks for "logged in" and whether player is online. * Most of the code rewritten (no more hardcodding). * Support for Gracia added. * Added extra features "Teleport to town","Sex Change","Noblesse Status","Clean my Karma","Reset my PK Kills","Full Recommendations","Jail Break" * UI changed (more eye pleasant). http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/3750/30884091.jpg
  4. The rest gets it for 60EUR if that's what you're asking for. Vote System + Donate System = 80EUR only!
  5. SALE: First 2 customers get the system for 50EUR! All of the further updates will be FREE (and trust me there's going to be a lot of them). Once again: Currently only works on Interlude (C6) servers!
  6. I'll add extra payment options later on, when the system is fully completed. The price will range 45-65EUR I haven't decided yet.
  7. Thank you :) First post updated with important information, please make sure you read it first!
  8. THIS SYSTEM IS NO LONGER UPDATED, CHECK OUT MY NEW SYSTEM: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=243531.0 I'm selling my fully automatic Donation System. You might have seen some of them around, but despite how good they're mine's even better due to all of the unique functions, security precautions and how user friendly it is. * The whole system fully runs on Ajax, which means all of the validations, feedbacks, processes etc are completed on the go without the need of refreshing/reloading the page. * jQuery and jQuery.UI libraries are used for smoother use as well as adding animations/effects. * All of the necessery settings are placed neathly in the config.php and settings.php files. * Easy to set up all you've to do is just follow a few instructions on the "install" guide. * You can add as many game servers with single login server as you wish (chronicle has to be the same though due to differences in the database tables). * You can add as many items/item sets (not neceserilly armors, it could be something like Newbie Starting Kit) to the shop as you want. * You can set up the enchant prices and the limit (max enchant level) in the settings.php file. * NO NEED FOR ANY SPECIAL PAYPAL ACCOUNT, YOU CAN USE YOUR STANDARD ONE. * System currently doesn't have an admin panel, all of the changes are done through a database or config files (will be created soon). * Players can message each other. * System logs everysingle transaction made on the system to keep track of where all the credits go. The logs are impossible to delete by the player, only by an admin for security precautions. Version 1.1c * Added extra confirm message before buying anything to prevent "accidental" purchases. Version 1.1b * Added automatic "Moneybookers.com" payment. Version 1.1 * Added extra security checks for "logged in" and whether player is online. * Most of the code rewritten (no more hardcodding). * Support for Gracia added. * Added extra features "Teleport to town","Sex Change","Noblesse Status","Clean my Karma","Reset my PK Kills","Full Recommendations","Jail Break" * UI changed (more eye pleasant). http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/3750/30884091.jpg SYSTEM IS NOW BEING SOLD! Price: 50EUR. (60EUR) All of the further updates will be FREE (and trust me there's going to be a lot of them). Video (old, not all features shown): System supports only Paypal.com and Moneybookers.com payments (fully automatic there for you won't have to do a thing). Skype: d-engo
  9. Well that's a very basic security level then... It only takes a few seconds to create a new character and change IP via proxy.
  10. Far from unique.. Thanks for ruining my "business"... Gl anyways.. :)
  11. I mean seriously? Why do all of you judge before you even get to see any of my code or the actual system?... Get over yourself I'm not here to prove anything I'm here to sell my system.
  12. They cant skip it.. Its not one of those systems you see on L2Deathland u do actually need to vote.
  13. Kama3a yes you're sort of right but who cares as long as you get the votes for the server since the system checks whether the votes on the top site have increased anyways to bypass you would have to do hell a lot of work so. And yes Hopzone doesnt allow such things but as long as you keep it quiet I dont think you'll get in trouble... Anyways there are other tops sites not just Hopzone.
  14. I'm selling brand new web based Vote System. I'm not sure whether any of you are familiar with this sort of stuff as most of the "vote systems" shared here are in-game based. Basically on this web-based vote system player has to log in to his account, after that all of his characters will be displayed and then he'll have to choose one of them (Offline only). Then the player will be provided with instructions on how to vote for the server in different top sites. Finally after voting for in all of the tops sites the player will be redirected to the "Reward Page" where he'll be able to choose one of the predefined (by admin/gm) rewards which will be automatically added to characters inventory. * No Java patches, completely based on web. * Requires only 1 extra table in the database (for vote records). * Adjustable vote period (24h default). * Adjustable/unlimited reward items. * The whole system is using Ajax, which means all of the buffering, validations, feedbacks and so forth are run dynamically without any sort of page redirection * Libraries such as jQuery and jQuery.UI are used to style and make the system more user friendly. * Four vote checks: IP adresas, Account Login, Character ID and Cookies. * All of the settings needed are placed in the config.php file. * Supports almost any tops site (including Hopzone, Topzone) * Secure, 100% vote checks (no captcha bypass'es or any other invalid votes). * Add as many tops sites as you like. For live preview please contact me. Pictures (sorry for bad quality): http://tinyurl.com/cfuos7c Skype: d-engo (best time to contact is 17:00-22:00 GMT)
  15. Nevermind, figured it out myself.. I just thought it would be faster if I asked you.
  16. Hey there, I'm just wondering how do you sort of put certain skills in a group so that you can't use them both at the same time and they cancel each other out. For example tanks SOS.
  17. I know protect's (Dainius) english is not the greatest you can find around, but at least he's trying to answer all of your questions and help you understand the current situation there for you shouldn't put him down for not being able to speak English perfectly. Just like protect mentioned before, unlike most of the servers our heroes changes automatically. It's not rocket science to make an exception and skip this weekend so that the heroes would change next weekend, but look at the bright side. Those 3days are going to be so intense for all the players because everyone want's to become a hero, but there's so little time and that will keep them motivated. 3days is more then enough for a casual player to get used to a server there for I don't believe that a lot of them going to leave just because of olympiad, yes there are some of the players who only come to a server just to be a hero and when they fail they often blame GM's for not doing their job right instead of improving their PVP skills. Anyways I hope to see you all in 16hours (Live on the server).
  18. SunBeam, you got me wrong.. I´ve never tried to imply that staff (our team) wishes are more important than our players... What I said is that if we start listening to everyone´s advise we will never finish the project simply because there´s way to many of them, and secondly those advises mostly are disliked by other players for example, you want 84lvl limit so the chance for skill enchantment could be smaller, well some other players may don´t like this idea and there for we can´t satisfy both of them, but what we can do is to simply ignore the request and continue on more important stuff instead of wasting our time on creating something that´s not going to benefit our server as much as other things... Despite all InFlate *fails* as you described them, we´ve got an entirely new team there for the way project going to be managed is going to be entirely different. Anyways I´m not here to argue with you or change your opinion, I do thank you for suggesting new ideas, but there´s no reason to get angry if they´re not being dealt with in the way you would like us to.
  19. It´s been a difficult time for InFlate, after all it´s a new project there for it takes time for us to gain trust from the players... Despite all that InFlate launches with an entirely new gameplay, we´ve put quite a lot of work in it and we´re hopping that you´ll evaluate it... And don´t say that we don´t pay attention to our players, we do and we can´t always agree with them because everyone has their own opinion and if we start changing things around to suit everyones needs we´ll never finish... Anyway if you have any questions regarding the server please use our forum. Thank you.
  20. Only on Official Launch, there's no point in you getting it now since wipe will take place before official start.
  21. Open Beta - July 22th at 15.00 PM (GMT 0+). Since everyone is so keen on trying our server out and since we promised that open beta will start in mid July we're launching our Open Beta. Be warned! Server is still not finished and there's a lot of work to be done but you'll stil be able to play in our server, but you won't be able to try different new features. There will be a lot of server restarts during Open Beta there for don't expect a perfect gameplay, it's only mainly based to help us test the server. Please let your friends know.
  22. So what you trying to say is that we can't use hp, exp progress bars and + - radar buttons just because someone used them before? As far as I know they're not yours, but NcSofts. Anyways it's the first time I see your buffer or whatever it is there for don't blame me for not being aware of what I'm doing... I'll change everything round in the future if that bothers you, but that's not my main priority at the moment.
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