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Posts posted by estregoik

  1. On 13/03/2017 at 12:05 PM, 404BrainNotFound said:

    Hi,this is a quest for players to have fun while they're punished and spending their time to jail.It's like the old cola quest,it has same purpose and this is the freedom of player while he is on jail.Instead of just sitting away waiting for time to expire,this is a quest to have fun and keep player busy,by making this quest so he can have his freedom back once again.It's seperated in three parts (server,htms,client),and the listed parts above should be installed.


    Quest Information (steps that player must do in order to complete and get out of jail):


    After player get punished and teleported to jail,see Jailer.

    (player) Must talk to him,and take the quest to cut down a prison tree.He'll give player an ax.

    After q taken,cut the tree,and will receive a firewood.Ax will dissapear after cutting tree.

    Take this firewood to Jailer,and he'll remove a chain.

    Do the same again,until all chains are removed.

    Then talk to jailer again and he'll give a key,talk again and he'll show you a lit of cities where like to teleport.

    (If punished player got karma,it will be lowered -10 every time he does this.)

    (Karma player won't get chain remove until he's cleared from karma.)


    Ai Changes (server)


    Ai Prison tree: http://pastebin.com/eSjGKtDG

    Ai Jailer: http://pastebin.com/99wN2F2r


    Htms (changes & additions): https://mega.nz/#!J5VzTYaa!ef0Du0dhBlCKmmGt0eslMM0gd0b7cz7zveKTu8lG83Y

    Client (addiotions): https://mega.nz/#!og8jxIbb!3cGT402bf_souqFt3PE58-aEEjWAtJceo6BDE3eKoCU


    Password for Zips(unrar) : 3rR0r404


    I want to know if you like it or not,if it works properly for you also,and suggest anything new to import at this quest or suggestions on creating a new one maybe.Have fun with it,and keep your players busy while they are jailed.


    EDIT: topic updated

    please  upload again

  2. On 04/03/2018 at 4:46 PM, Vanganth said:

    It's not a trash, you're missing the point of this dll, first of all this dll isn't an anti bot, it's main goal was to extend l2 client functionality (example auto potions, new shots, custom packets, version control etc), the antibot was just an add-on (due to it's popularity it got cracked pretty fast, same as every single other anti bot engine). This dll is a mess (that's the word that describe it better) never had a time for refactoring it so there's a lot of chaotic/unused code, anyway it did it's job perfectly (with such low costs). @Anarchy feel free to fix it up and share your great results with community ;)


    KeyGenerator engine has been made just for one customer so i know who leaked it, no hard feelings wish you best.


    As i can see it's been almost half year since these sources were shared. How many public patches are there to fix it up ? I found just ONE fix in this thread (thx to eressea). That's pretty sad, it perfectly describes the community - everyone would like to take but so few would give. I don't remember adding any backdoor to the sources, that would be just unfair in my opinion. The thing that server crashes upon some circumstances means there's a bug that needs to be fixed, just it. So if it crashes for you just fix it, it's easy (you can find 90% of crash issues in LinError.txt, the other 10% can be fixed with windbg or other debugger attached to l2server), if you don't know how to fix it even with the extender source code then you shouldn't play with L2OFF platform.  If you want to you can always rent a developer with asm/c++ experience (+reverse engineering), pay him 45+$ per hour and he'll make you brand new extender (maybe with less amount of bugs) after ~1050 hours.


    Wish you all the best, have a nice days!


    many envious will always look for defects in everything you do instead of doing something better so never stand out at all because they spend their time waiting for the other to fall to be on the same level.

  3. include windows.inc






    EXTRN ?CanSellItem@COfflineShop@@SA_NPEAVCItem@@@Z:PROC



    ManagePrivateStoreFilterHook proc

        mov rax, [rcx+30h]

        cmp dword ptr[rax+70h], 39h

        jnz @F



        push rax

        push rcx

        sub rsp, 20h

        call ?CanSellItem@COfflineShop@@SA_NPEAVCItem@@@Z

        add rsp, 20h

        cmp rax, 0

        pop rcx

        pop rax


    ManagePrivateStoreFilterHook endp




    for compile im ML64

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