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Everything posted by twinkie

  1. Cred ca mixmaster o sa aiba ceva de zis aici :)) btw, el mai e pe aici ?
  2. try to run the lineage 2 updater and update your game to h5 part 5 because afaik in part 5 you dont have blood rain anymore
  3. bump. In good days of mxc this kind of topics were pure gold for users(free posts count) but seems nowdays none want to waste time and write their opinions.
  4. afaik you can take abalester, soul breaker and inspector as subclasses, but i am not sure(cant check this right now)
  5. Hey! As you prolly know, sooner or later l2ws will open, and i came up with a question for you. Here it is: Which class would you chose to power-lvl a warcryer to lvl 78? I have to mention that i want to play dualbox, so the warcryer will be only a buffbot. I was thinking about tyrant+g.wolf, but i want to hear your opinion too. Also, it would work fine with paladin+g.wolf? I'm asking because i like to play paladin and could be my main character. Thanks uf i almost forgot. For those who don't know, the server will be high five part5, l2off files and 5x rates.
  6. It's just for normal hits, not skills and magic atacks.
  7. De mult nu am mai auzit ca Ioane sax ...
  8. Spam amre Raule duche de aci cu pollu ala .. daca nu bagi un eminem nu rezolvi nimic >:)
  9. Nu pricep asta .. placa video are cooleru ei, iar la procesor nu stiu daca conteaza prea mult .. adica eu merg pe varianta ca daca e cooler se invarte. Daca se invarte face aer, se racoreste .. simplu, nu ?=)
  10. Cred ca o sa mai am rabdare o luna si o sa imi iau din romania. sper sa ies si mai ieftin, si cu garantie pe fiecare piesa .. pana atunci spam amre
  11. trollord neatza:) Vreau o parere despre Inter Core i7 2650QM+nvidia geforce gt 540M+4 gb ram sau despre Inter core i5-2410M+Nvidia geforce 410m+gb ram daca se poate. Vreau sa imi iau un notebook sa il am si pentru gaming, dar nu numai .. daca se pricepe careva de aici la asa ceva(eu nu prea,si nu vreau sa mai fac greseala sa dau banii pe prostii) va rog sa imi lasati o parere, poate o comparatie sau chiar o sugestie. Multumesc anticipat spam amre
  12. torino kind of .. acum 2 zile am inceput si eu xD
  13. Spam amre sa ajunga pana cand mai intru =) De acu poate o sa intru zilnic
  14. cacat pe vatra. ne mai auzim peste vro 2 luni, sau mai intru de pe telefon daca merge netu si pe italia. bafta multa
  15. you have to obtain “entrance pass to sepulcher“ by killing mobs in IT and then move to four sepulcher. search a guide(even video on youtube) to see what you have to do there.
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