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Everything posted by L2Flash.eu

  1. http://l2flash.eu/ website updated.
  2. 6 Months online and new people are joining everyday! http://l2flash.eu/
  3. Hello everyone, Clan Leaders with 10 clan members and above can make a Petition in the game, we will make few more checks and we will reward you with a Clan Level 5! Server is online for over 6 months without any wipes/downtimes and we will keep it like that!
  4. Any Other Questions?
  5. Few of our modifications to ease Players gameplay http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?topic=44.0We also have added A Grade Armor shop (h5 feature but only with Armors) with retail Adena prices etc. Make any suggestion you want on our forum and we will answer - take it into consideration for sure! http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?board=13.0 Check here few videos from our x6 server. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=l2flash.eu
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212633-l2jnew-l2flash-x15-coming-on-march/
  7. 18/02/2017 Beta will be available, you can find here the client-patch "Ready to Play"! http://l2flash.eu/index.php/page/downloads/
  8. Hello , yes we will open a Beta soon!
  9. NEW L2 Flash x15 Features! (Note that we Already have a low rate server(L2DC Files) Online for over 6 months without any wipes - Downtimes!) Description: Keep Everything Retail Like or.. ?- No Donates (like our x6!) - We would like to hear your suggestions what we should add / remove? For what we mostly need suggestions from players: -Olympiad Period time(2 weeks or 1 month like retail?) We really want active Olympiad on our x15 server. -Clients per PC? -Buffs / songs Duration? (Retail-Like or some extra mins?). -NPC buffer or more free clients per pc so players can box or find an active support? And of course any other suggestion will be much appreciated! http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?board=13.0 or just reply here! http://l2flash.eu/ http://l2flash.eu/forum/ More info: Server Rates Exp : x15 SP : x15 Spoil : x7 Drop Item : x7 Adena : x7 Raid Jewels Drop : x1 Manor : x1 Fishing : x4 Hellbound Level: [soon] Hellbound Points: x7 Vitality Herb: x2 Quests: Item Reward : x1-x2 Adena Reward : x3 XP/ SP Reward : x4 Drop : x2 Enchant Rates: Safe : Retail-Like Max : Retail-Like Enchant success Rate : Retail-Like Blessed enchant Rate : Retail-Like Server Features: Fortresses Retail like. Territory Wars Retail like. (You can make Sub & Noblesse via Territory Manager Tasks!) Epic Quest Seven Signs. Class Master Up to Second class [1st Class 40k] [second Class 600k]. Hellbound Retail like (You can type .hellbound to view hellbound lvl stats etc). Disable & Enable Exp Command (.exp) Weddings-Grand Weddings. And much more, we will not post a huge list with unnecessary (to mention) features like CH working... Modifications: 2 Clients per PC. (We may need to re-adjust this) Offline Trade. Set your private store and Exit Game. (Stored for 10 days even if server restarts) Combat Stats & Droplist available via Shift & Click. Npcs & Monsters will have Title their Levels! Spawn Protection. Trade zones at Giran Town, where you can set private store only on predefined areas. Your friend {friendname} has logged out message will appear when a friend log out. Weight Limit x2
  10. L2Flash GiveAway event! 2 Winners will be chosen and each will receive one(1) set of Mouse / Keyboard. RAZER NAGA CHROMA GAMING MOUSE! RAZER BLACKWIDOW CHROMA MECHANICAL GAMING KEYBOARD! More info : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=398095973864903&id=313358019005366&substory_index=0
  11. Join http://l2flash.eu/ for a Real Long Term server.
  12. Hello , yes this is the Retail behavior.
  13. Join our long-term Gracia epilogue Server! http://l2flash.eu/
  14. Monument of Heroes records fixed with yesterday's restart. Server was Online & Stable for 11 days without restart! Join now L2Flash , if you are "bored" wipes - corrupted and full of donations servers! http://l2flash.eu/
  15. Monument of Heroes records fixed with yesterday's restart. Server was Online & Stable for 11 days without restart! Join now L2Flash , if you are "bored" wipes - corrupted and full of donations servers! http://l2flash.eu/
  16. Join now the BEST Gracia Epilogue server out there! http://l2flash.eu/
  17. Gift Of Vitality Enabled for all the players until 76 Level ! Also B & A Grade armors added to Future Shop NPC in order help new players. Retail like feature from High Five. http://legacy.lineage2.com/news/highfive_03.html Have fun to all the new players.
  18. PvP video was missing from our Video Contest so we created one! Low quality due to a lot of background programs. (Test Server etc.) http://l2flash.eu/ More videos from our players: .
  19. Hello everyone, our server is Online for about one month! We are stable with friendly community ! Don't forget that Gracia Epilogue is the Best chronicle for low rate and it's easy to catch the old players! Gift of Vitality enabled for every Weekend to help you on that! (You can login and with Gracia final - Freya - H5 client just to test our server :) ) =ADMIN=Ray. http://l2flash.eu/ http://l2flash.eu/forum/ https://www.facebook.com/L2Flash-Low-Rate-Gracia-Epilogue-313358019005366/
  20. Hello everyone, our server is Online for about one month! We are stable with friendly community ! Don't forget that Gracia Epilogue is the Best chronicle for low rate and it's easy to catch the old players! (You can login and with Gracia final - Freya - H5 client just to test our server :) ) =ADMIN=Ray. http://l2flash.eu/ http://l2flash.eu/forum/ https://www.facebook.com/L2Flash-Low-Rate-Gracia-Epilogue-313358019005366/
  21. http://l2flash.eu/ NO PAY2WIN- Gracia epilogue the best chronicle for a low rate server. Also our server has a system so new players can catch the old players!
  22. Gift of Vitality enabled for the Weekend! Join http://l2flash.eu/ if you are looking for a stable & long term low rate server.
  23. Hello , our community growing every day We started with 50 ppl (23 Sept 16) and now we have 200+ Online. We know its low but in Long term - No Pay2win donates - stable server - Active Team , people will join! http://l2flash.eu/ http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php =ADMIN=Ray.
  24. L2Flash is online and stable. If you are looking for a low rate server, Epilogue is the best chronicle. http://l2flash.eu/
  25. Our server will open tomorrow at 18:00 utc +3 , if you have any questions ask us here. Also you can Join our Beta and test our files! http://l2flash.eu/ Expecting Online : 600++ and in long term a lot of people will join!
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