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About kr1n0s*

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  1. that would be great :)), thanks!
  2. I would like to ask, if someone has an activation key for Hearthstone. Thanks a lot.
  3. http://l2evoke.com/ Wts those chars: Phantom ranger lvl 51 Propher lvl 50 spoiler around 45 lvl crafter around 45lvl bladedancer lvl 49 sws lvl 50 destro lvl 48 necro lvl 48 i have almost 20kk adena. pm me with offer. Ty. Adena is around 1.5kk = 2 euro
  4. Pira mia 32 GB SDcard apo to ebay gia to kinito mou. tin bazw tin diabazei gia 30 seconds kai meta eksaganizete.... prepei na tin kanw format? h kati allo? douleuei kanonika sto pc (san apo8ikeutikos xoros) alla sto kinito oxi.... kapia idea? to kinito mporei na parei 32gb card*
  5. bump
  6. Lots of ppls have donate money to this server... why not?
  7. Online Players :1000 - 1500 site: l2mid.com I sell any items u want, expect rb jewells. Send me PM or let your comment here. -ty
  8. kr1n0s*


    bump kaneis?
  9. kr1n0s*


    8elw na plirwsw kati sto ebay. ebala lefta se mia prepaid card (Visa), akka twra pws ta metaferw sto paypal?
  10. eime periergos na dw pios einai...
  11. Loipon tin teleutea ebdomada me pernoun me apokripsi.. kai apla den milane.... mporw na dw me kapion tropo ton ari8mo tou?
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