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Everything posted by Kanones

  1. :o It works perfectly on the C4 server I'm on Tytytytytyytytyty I went with 1 BD and 2 pows and 1 bishop and in 20 mins dead!! :D
  2. Thank you so much I need this macro info :) great job....
  3. I had problems downloading it.... maybe its my pc at home i'll try from the net cafe later.
  4. I have Halisha +15 got it as +12 and broke going +16 and brought it back up to +15 SOM Acu +11 Elysian Axe +16 Health Carnage Bow +18 with no SA Soul Separtator +18 with no sa
  5. Sorry for the double post but I also found this site maybe you will like it http://l2max.com/ they have a x30 server
  6. Have you tried L2Lords? they have 3 servers x8 x14 x20 http://www.l2lords.com/
  7. I tried this and its not working on my current server :S
  8. Nice Idea... Don't know how many people fall for that though.
  9. Thank you so much .. Hopefully this works with baked Ice
  10. bori kapios na me dosi karma simera graftika kai den ta ksero pos ta kanete. efxariso
  11. efxaristo re file, ala otan exw 200 posts totes tha to eidw :(
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