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Everything posted by Gatzu

  1. WTS Adena at NA Classic Giran. 100K - 2 Eur Destroyer lvl 38.5 with pre-paid premium mask 30 EUR Prophet lvl 35 20 EUR ES lvl 32 15 EUR Skype: Knaya81
  2. 25% OFF Prices Updated, final cash and item sell out. I want to leave guys, 4 days untill my hollidays.
  3. Please if you add me on Skype consider followign points. -Prices are listed on this post -First I get the monney then i give the items, or you pay a middleman -If you are a clown please dont make me waste my time. Updated with available items
  4. WTS ADENA: 1kk 0.7 EUr stock: 350kk C Grade WeaponsSLS +6 28EUR DUAL RAID +4 12 EUR SLS +14 420EUR B Grade Weapons DAM +5 31 EUR DD +8 115EUR GS +9 180EUR Others Talisman of Baium 1000EUR UNSEALED MAJESTIC HEAVY SET 525EUR SKYPE: KNAYA81 Sold items GS +7 63EUR sold DMG +5 31EUR sold BW Heavy Set +6 200 EUR sold BOP +9 220EURsold Damascus +5 40EUR sold SANTA CLOACK 60EUR SOLD DUAL Raid +7 65EUR sold Refined Orfen Pendant 1100EURSOLD
  5. HAve got 3 archers lvl 77 to sell. Regards
  6. Account 1 PR 77.3 in skelth Amulet lvl 5 Tyrant lvl 52 in same account Sorc lvl 41 in same account Account 2 HE 76.3 in skelth Amulet lvl 5 Tyrant lvl 52 in same account Sorc lvl 41 in same account Account 3 HE 76.3 in skelth Amulet lvl 5 Tyrant lvl 52 in same account Sorc lvl 41 in same account Hear offers for Adena or Euro
  7. All ok with Paypal and my banc. He will revieve a big piece of shiet. What a ungratefull piece of shiet.
  8. This guy is an Scammer. I Paid via Paypal, bought 100kk Adena, We were connected Via Skype, as soon as he recieved the monney he disconnected from Skype. Imm open an inquiry at Paypal. His name is: Rodrigo Vazquez (at Paypal)
  9. We also accept adena 125kk
  10. Updated, Price added. I make no reservations, the first that comes with the monney keeps the account
  11. I hear offers for Other Tanks aswell
  12. Up, got some offers but all refused. I would change the account only for a SK 69+
  13. WTB Shillen Knight Level 68+ prefferable 70+ in Skelth PM me
  15. Adenauer accepTed?
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