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Everything posted by qulimax

  1. Well when my anti-virus find it and deleted that virus l2phx is not working anymore and i can run it...
  2. Thnx i'll download it asap :D i was searching that adeana.txt
  3. I think it's just copy paste from somewhere.But thnx anyway :) nice job
  4. It's so secret that you need 200 posts :/ sucks a lot.I need +140 posts :D
  5. It's hidden for some ppl like me... :D
  6. Yeah tell us what does this program do ?
  7. Tell me who's not doing this here ? :D "thnx"nice share" ....
  8. We like it too but it's so simple to delete the thread like this.there's no reason to whine about that grandmother's know this trick....
  9. Yes it's still works on some randoms servers....It worked for me few times :)
  10. Maybe they fixed it dude :D dont worry
  11. I dont think that there are still left any stupid ppl who fall's into that "scam" :D but thnx for sharing anything :D
  12. Clean :D hehe I like D elven girls :)
  13. Dont know but it worked on some random l2j servers.... Didnt tried on any serious servers.
  14. Thnx... :) my bishop bit is working now...
  15. Yeah i used search but there wasn't anything i wanted to share so when i created it goes 2 pages of spam or flame that i didnt used the search....
  16. this hidden thing sucks dude....i understand that it's secret and so on but it's really sucks when you have god damn 50 posts and you need 150 more to see something....
  17. Dont judge new ppl who came here and tell they're bugs or w/e...They just didnt know.
  18. It's a tip but thnx :) on what server this trick works ?
  19. www.es-l2.com try it...you can farm runes in mm and exchange them in godard giran or rune to rune manager or smtn...
  20. It's kind a working :D +15 soulbow but gone before i make it +16....i could say it's all was just a luck but maybe this thing helped a little.
  21. Thnx man...i'll try it on c4. Maybe some1 tried it ?what you can do with it
  22. Can any one post how to set bishop in fight to heal the chars and so on...and if he is attacked ti heal him self....
  23. Well guys i don't know how to do it so i'm asking here :D maybe some one know it.I think this bug is very good so it's hard to find out how to make it.That bug can fuck up the server realy bad...
  24. it's eternal sin...you have to farm runes and change them to ancient adena.. This bug really fucked up the server and all ancient adena is going to be wiped.
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