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Posts posted by Sh@d0w

  1. Kai egw stin arxi nomiza pos auto to 16xrono paidi itan anamesa stous anarxikous kai katestrefe tis periousies twn allon an8ropwn pou pasxizoun ka8imerina na bgaloun to psomi tous kai etc apo mesa mou dn me eniaze ti epa8e.Otan omws katalaba ta gegonota tote einai pou stenoxori8ika...krima sto adikoxameno paidi...anamesa se tosous M@L@KES pou katastrefoun periousies panta 8a tin plironoun oi apeksw kai stin sigkekrimeni periptosi ena mikro paidi :(


    File Alexandre elpizw na eisai kala ekei p eisai... Rest in peace...


    Episis deite auto to video sto youtube...h dolofonia tou 16xronou

  2. Tell me this 2 things:


    1¿ the gm shop has D-S Grade With SA or is it just in That custom farm zone?


    2¿ The enchant rate ?


    Looks like a good server , answer me those 2 questions and i may join :d


    1.The gm shop has from c grade untill s grade (to make sa you need a little mats,it depends on grade of weapon...for exampe if you buy a homu and want to make it acu,you need 5 charcoal cuz it is c grade.) D grades are on normal shops.


    2. +3 safe,+22 max, 66% rate

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