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Everything posted by Grimm0ne

  1. Ok, back story, I ran a L2jfree server back in the day... 7+ years ago with about 1300 people on it, me and my father ran it quite well and then college and life got in the way and that ended that.. Fast forward, I'm having issues getting things going now with l2j, I went to what I though was my old forums to find out its a ghost town and was directed here by a post... So here is my issues... I have the sever up and running on a PowerEdge T310 Quad Core 2.4 with 8gb of ram, No issues with getting JDK/MySQL/ and the High five data/server from L2jserver.. Issues I having, is client side. This is for me and my father (doesn't have much time left, just had a quad bypass so yeah..) I've done the host thing, found a clean client, did that batch file thing and it starts and then its stops... I went to HZ to find other servers and downloaded there "system" I can get the client to start and connect and create an account (sorry if I made an account on anyone's server, just tying to get to mine) anywho, If someone can help me that's awesome or point me into the right direction that be great as well, and thanks for having me.
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