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Everything posted by Sarmat

  1. Why you think so? :) This script can be used for any server (off or java), which use packet like in script.
  2. I'm don't know packets on interlude. But, if you interested, you can compare packets in script with packets implemented in l2j-interlude server. L2j is opensouce, so you can simply find all packets in code.
  3. http://manorhelper.ucoz.ru/ Don't use packets, so cant be detected by server side. Also have some other protection methods. Authors says, that it can be synchronized with server-time, so can be very exact. 3-days trial version available, but not for lasts version. Price - about 40 usd. PS. I don't test it :) PSS. If somebody needs - can translate from russian functional and manual.
  4. [Hidden post: You need reply to this topic to see it.] so...
  5. When you fish through l2walker, you can be detected, because l2w don't have delays between actions. But you can make script with delays or use other ways (such, as delays with wc ppc, for examle :) )
  6. Some kind of server-deffence cheat or simply server-client protocol fixes. Block packet "gm-list" (for example l2w send it when entering world? so can be easy detected by administrators); modify 2 packets (request login and get manor list). All modifications are applied to packets, that are send from client to server. Nothing difficult, but you have to know packets values and structure. BTW. WC PPC scripts can be applied with any kind of client (bot or original client). No differences.
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