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Everything posted by mocker

  1. Hello, Im interested in accounts on skelth. Looking for 50 + dd + support. Pm me
  2. Hello, Spellhowler - 55 lvl+ Gear : - avadon robe set, - top C 2h blunt +4, - cdl, silence, clear mind learned, - karmian set (+ fp helmet ) - jawels mixed ( top c +3 and low B grade) - +12 wit dyes, - 3kk+ adena , - around 10 exp scrolls, 30+ chest with 1 hour buff 20% exp, 30+ cakes +20-30% exp, many buffs from event ( zerk, acu, btb,bts , hunter/firre ) - 100+ days of sub, Shillen elder ( 48,6 lvl ) - karmian set, - ng waepon, - jawels D. - no dyes ( couse of mana regen ) - 100 + days of sub. This is perfect setup for solo player but also You can easily find a aoe cp ( tempest,58 lvl - aura flash ). Its easy to lvl up or kill few ppl. ;) Im selling couse i dont have time for playing ( girlfriend crying couse i dont have enaught time for her ). Pm me with offers.
  3. PM ME if u still want to sell it. !
  4. Helo, server skelth HE 41 and 56 % for sale. dyes +12 str -15 con Pl set jawelry elven +3 mixed with top d akat longbow few sb from sos - tempest, movement. 1.5kk adena 13 days sub bonus - cleric lvl 29 - skills from 30 with 7 days sub - perfect as a buffer outside pt Offers pm .
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