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About Zigfrid

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  1. find me better server with so many ppl online, this sub class system and other nice ideas on DN ppl say DN is sh1t but still is one of the best server, better server with so many lolipops and corruption like you call this ( but in fact this is "take care about gm friends") that empty server with 300 ppl online
  2. you can also run one client in normal way ( by loader) then press alt+ctr+del and find dragonnetwork.exe in list - close it and after run next client by loader
  3. simple and usefull, thanks
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21301.0
  5. hard to say cuz it depence what sub will be better for you generaly tank/dagger atm on dragon x 15 is weak, cuz 70% char on server are archers, and tank/dagger is too slow to catch them from sub for dagger best are in my opinion pw/sws and aw/se - good for oly, mass pvp, with not bad selfbuff and nice speed (pw/sws)
  6. rly nice infos, maybe someone will stick this?
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20350.0
  8. +WTS Am not !WTS AM and works perfectly - on dragon network dragon 15
  9. bullshit i always use marcos to shout about my trades and it's work perfectly
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14307.msg131501#msg131501 ZaFirDZ <---- spamer
  11. what is server activity? it's worth to try this server or only 50 ppl is online there?
  12. link to gamehaqs is old and doesn't work any more this is new link http://www.gamehaqs.eu/forums/
  13. is there any link to kamael client in parts? ( for example 4 files ~1 gb )
  14. like Jackie said it isn;t any bug faster way is lvl up char to 42 lvl and open with keys than lvl up to 60 then delvl and killing box
  15. are those skills works like buffs ( take place in buff bar) or like passive skills ( hp boots etc), if those skils works like buffs, are it stack with normal buffs? btw thanks for share
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