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Posts posted by Assassina

  1. I dont mean i want to see him infront of me but i want to see him doing something stop a war ? or smth . if he is indeed alive and up there and doesnt do a shit then hes to -beep-ing lazy.

    humans have free will.. what do you want Him to do? He cant change everyone's mind!!!

  2. i dont know anything about that do u ? i dont belive in god thats a fact i cant belive in smth that doesnt gave me a proof to belive in. Prove me he is alive indeed and up there and i will belive him till then no thank you.


    just think that your belief would have no value to God if you would see Him so you would be sure He exists and you would have no other choice than to believe in Him. you think God would like that?

  3. I CARE CAUSE ALL RACISTS MUST DIE. AND u belive in god huh? didnt ur god tell u that ur all alike?

    lol i remember back to roman empire that it was not allowed to be Christian. nice...


    also you are a hypocrite because you claim you dont like discriminations but you flame me for being proud to be white and a Christian.

  4. this racist little bitch is still unbanned? thats retarded.

    i stopped the conversation what the fack do you want now? im not racist against you so why the fack do you care if im racist or not? dont you get it its not your bisiness? let the niggers complain if they want to...

  5. Do you know what racism means?

    of course i do. i just said that im not doing it because i hate black people for some reason or something, neither i would like to kill them. but i cant change my feelings. do you have to suggest something?

  6. Racists are retarded.


    i actually dont consider myself as a racist. i just said im proud to be white and i dont like black people. its just what i feel. i wouldnt kill anyone or something just because he is black. i mean i just dont like them i cant change my feelings just for you so you dont call me "retarded".


    sorry... but we could maybe stop speaking about black people... but i am allowed to say that im proud to be white.

  7. Do you really believe what you say? Cause they don't stand.

    And this proves how -beep-ing racist you are.

    Racists should be banned, not only from forums but in real life too [kill racists]

    you are wrong the rule is that racist comments are not allowed not that you are not allowed to be racist. i didnt make any racist comment. calling someone a nigger though he is not isnt considered as racist.

  8. i dont want countrys that means i love black people? thats seriously retard. but what to expect from a little kid that belives god will be there when he will need him.


    well let me wake u up from this dream when u will need ur god he wont be there for u and then ull realize we were saying the truth about this tard named "god"


    Btw im anty racists anti nazy whats that means im bad ?

    i dont care what the fack you are i just said that you love niggers since you dont want countries. because no countries = the whole world 1 country which means that all races will merge each other. if you like that then you are a nigger lover...


    and who the fack told you that im retarded like you to say "aaaah God didnt bring me this... so He doesnt exist". you are retarded and you believe God does not exist just because He didnt accomplish your wishes. thats just stupid so you are the retarded one. keep blaspheming i dont care.

  9. lol, just lol how much braindamaged can you be? Each post of you shows how much retard you are.

    Thats why kids shouldnt been allowed using PC cause they are talking for serious things having 0 knowledge about them.

    knowledge? did we speak about facts? did we speak about history? did we speak about geography? how did you make the concluson that i have 0 knowledge?

  10. see thats what i hate people like u.


    U just called me nigger beliving that i will feel flamed or smth. NIGGERS ARE PEOPLE U -beep-ING RETARD THEY JUST DONT HAVE THE SAME COLOR WITH U  -beep-ING RACIST WHORE.

    i called you a facking nigger because you just said you want no countries so you love niggers. thats why i ironically called you a nigger.



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