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Posts posted by Assassina

  1. nether lol, are you sure you know whats a hypocrite ? (is that sweaty guy from WWE, cus if he is.. then his the hypocrite)

    are you telling me its hard to find who is gay from these two men? if yes i really think you are all retarded!!! THE NIGGER IS THE GAY YOU HYPOCRITES! YOU JUST DONT WANT TO SAY IT...

  2. haha you are you, you said you.

    nop. you said if you are I and i am You. so you used "I and You" as names meaning they should have been written with capital first letter. i didnt write them like that so i meant the words "i and you" not the names you gave us...


    Intrepid i guess i said that the night i was drunk. but i shouldnt do it anyway...

  3. ohh come on :D


    i just compare the way you act the way goddess act and the way sofi act and the result is


    sofi is really a woman

    goddess is heshe hence confused like you but he do it for a purpose(power addiction and pro asslicker)

    you just act like a guy OR you are an incredible stupid girl :D

    you did not understand that i never EVER EVER EVER claimed im a girl. i just said i like some vocalists / wrestlers in appearance. this doesnt mean im a girl and im in love with them. i never claimed im a girl because i never wanted special treatment and i know most people here are male.


    and of course i dont consider myself stupid though i can admit i dont know many things since im still young. but im really stable in my ideas...

  4. nothing is wrong with him hes just confused in life


    1st hes not racist but he says white race is superior

    2nd he believes in god but totally dont act like one who does

    3rd hes confused with hes sexual orientation

    the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd line are your own oppinion. but what exactly do you mean in the last line?

  5. What in the name of -beep- is wrong with you? And an ironic fact remains when ur asking why this poll exists and why am i making fun of you. xD

    And the answer is that, its fun to make fun of frustrated kids xD

    you think im "frustrated"? why?

  6. you still insulted me without reason because i stopped posting racist comments... and you called me a racist provoking me to flame you.


    though you still shouldnt care if im a racist or not since im not a racist against your race...

  7. A hypocrite means a lie a man that fakes smth xD

    And i really do know how to speak unlike you.


    Every tried using one of these -> "?" after formatting a question?

    "every tried"? nice syntax... and you claim you know how to speak...


    and i used "?" in my question:



    i know what hypocrite means and i know all atheist antiracists are hypocrites...

  8. jeeez this thing never ends?

    you must admit i wasnt the one who started the conversation. i just said that the poll should be deleted and then...


    4Fun meng, u no greek? greek make fun men. U dunno but we have fun...


    We some racist bitches xD and u look stupid.

    So not should we have fun!(place the fallowing text in a understandable order.) ><

  9. because u didnt understand a thing i said.

    You GTFO and play tetris >.>

    you GTFO because you cant speak. you said "i was saying im a rasist.. dudeee...."... and i asked you if you are really a racist... of course you are not. you are just like all the other hypocrites antiracist atheists...

  10. 4Fun meng, u no greek? greek make fun men. U dunno but we have fun...







    We some racist bitches xD and u look stupid.

    So not should we have fun!(place the fallowing text in a understandable order.) ><

    you look more stupid because you dont know how to speak...



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