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Everything posted by Assassina

  1. yeap i druk half bottle of wine (not 1 glass) and i got drunk.
  2. what do you mean "indie"? i didnt have anywhere else to go :( its a gaming forum so we must have fun. and im really really drunk so we will have too much fun :P
  3. hello guys... please speak about something good... im drunk and i want to speak but please dont ban me if i break a rule tonight. understand im drunk :P
  4. why dont you make a competition or something? or just ask for applications giving some standards and fairly choose the winner. for example make some questions and let people answer them. the one who answers the questions as you wanted him to do you make him a staff member.
  5. but i didnt say the opposite... of course every human is equal its just that... (i cant continue or i will be banned)
  6. you are stupid. its not stupid to praise your race. the stupid thing is to call stupid the one that does it...
  7. i have a good answer in this but i cant say it because i will be banned.
  8. you are the one who has no power of logic because if i ask you to say why you said this you wont give an answer...
  9. VIP MEMBER? HA HA HA HA!!! no global moderator anymore? i love this!!!
  10. God is always good and He loves all people but His enemy... this Great Dragon wants to tempt and maybe kill humanity and take the place of God.
  11. He is not red... and he is not like you see him in the cartoons. you have no idea what is this creature that you speak about like it is your friend for fun...
  13. i want you to die after too much torture and then go for eternal torture in the "Bottomless Pit"...
  14. churches symbolize the house of God!!! you cant burn them! even if you dont believe in God you cant burn churches!!! its disrespect towards the people who do believe in God...
  15. devon will kill you :P i saw a topic from him about euronymous... (forgive me God for mentioning that name) :P
  16. i know it wont make you understand anything but tell me... if God appeared to you whats the point for Him if you believe in Him? i mean He appeared to you so you are sure He exists so you will believe in Him. i will speak in your own language: a football team is about to compete against another team and you see in a vision which team won so you are sure this team will win. so you MUST follow this team... so whats the point?
  17. yeah sure classic... almost everybody is an atheist (in the internet at least)
  18. i think he looks like the Antichrist in "The Omen" :P
  19. lol i have -1 karma and im accused for breaking a rule i didnt know that exists (and actually does not exist since its not in the forum rules). and also last night i understood im the only Christian of the forum so i lost my sense of humor... btw if you are joking you must add emoticons or else i will think you are serious...
  20. i guess if i answer you will call me racist again (or retarded because thats how you called me last night and today)...
  21. so when you see what i post and my whole appearance in the forum you think of malcolm x?
  22. i still need some help because there are some things i need to add and i cant do it without maxcheaters help (help in dev i mean). of course i want you to suggest things until then the server opens. until then i think i will know exactly what most players want... besides i think it wouldnt be a smart move to open the server in august. hmm now that i think of it soon i am going to open another topic about which are your favorite zones in l2. after i read some zones i will make a poll with them and people will vote which zones they would prefer for my server. i think this is a good idea...
  23. why dont you post a pic about me now? i want to see what kind of pic you are going to post after all these that happened yesterday and today...
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