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About mecalec13

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  1. ALL THE BENEFICTS OF OLD LEGACY YOUTUBE ACCOUNTS EXPLAINED RIGHT HERE 1 This Accounts Allow the user to Rank Videos 50% to 100% higher on Average according to the Case Study in this page (Google and YouTube). This means that if you are trying to leverage the YouTube Video platform by targeting certain terms to get targeted traffic you will have more chances to do that With an Old One, thus increased the exposure of your video, traffic, sales and Ad revenue. 2 They allow you to create up to 100 channels within the same YT Account without Phone verification. What does this means? This means that if you register a new YT Account, and try to add a new channel strait away, it will ask a phone number to send a security code. With an established account you don’t need to do this, especially if you want to have several channels. 3 The “Authority and Age of the Account”, pass through, to the additional channels. What does this mean? Because they are old, we can achieve on average double the rankings, that if we were using new ones. Well, if you create a new channel from within this account, this newly created channel will also have the same ranking power than the original “Persona” Main Account. In principle you will have dozens of channels with the same ranking power than the original one. This has been tested. 4 They withstand more copy right claims and YouTube will not shut down your account right away. What does this mean? Sometimes people report one or more of your YT Videos as spammy or not complaint with YouTube Terms of Service. Some people do this with the right purpose in mind, but others simply don´t want competition and report your videos to try to shut you down. 5 Some of our users have stated that are using his accounts to earn money from YouTube AdSense program have reported that they receive more revenue per 1000 views than from a newly created YouTube account. Also, now that YouTube only allow a YT channel to start showing ads when they reach at least 10.000 views, it makes even more sense to start new channels if you have one of this Aged ones. 6 They are completely safe. They have been created several Years ago. And the only way you can get your Accounts banned is only if you don’t follow the YouTube Guidelines. Even then this accounts will withhold some of the its. CONCLUSION this accounts are valuable, demand is high and there are not many around. Some of them I have register myself, others I got from people that didn’t need them anymore. I would be lying if say I wouldn´t mind to give them for free. I just sell a handful of them per month so people have little edge when starting a YouTube channel. Is not by any means a revolutionary thing. But it will certainly help you get more exposure, rankings and traffic, which is what we all YouTube marketers want. PRICE $ 2006 ACCOUNTS WITH NO SUBS 14 $ 2007 ACCOUNTS WITH NO SUBS NO VIDEOS 12 $ 2006 ACCOUNTS WITH OVER 100 SUBS 25$ 2007 ACCOUNTS WITH OVER 100 SUBS 19 $ with custom URL avaible 2008-2009-2010 ACCOUNTS 8 $ pm me for details or Mec#5097 discord this are best if you wanna use word hack cheats without getting banned !
  2. hmm strange , after 5 h couldnt crack not even one account , usually takes more to find accounts ? or I did somthing wrong? , like what password criteria should I use ?
  3. no I didnt , but looks that works better with only 500 threads dunno why :D
  4. Oi oi , thx a lot ive tryed with your program but keeps crushing on me after 10 minutes :(
  5. Hey I could but if is any tutorial I can use I\m not that good with cracking , ty :D
  6. to be onest with you guys i end up here cuz i wanna play orianna and cant afford to buy her hahha , can someone if he or she pleased give an account with orianna doesnt lvl . ty
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