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Everything posted by Barbarossa

  1. Looks like i fcked your mom.
  2. My skype is - friedrich_fv
  3. WTS Demon's Staff + 5 . 250 USD. Work with Skrill Money only. pm me here or skype : friedrich_fv http://i.imgur.com/gyjDfNC.jpg
  4. added, check your skype.
  5. Now demon staff + 5
  6. WTB SE 38 - 45 pm here or skype friedrich_fv
  7. Hey guys. I want to offer you adena on european classic server. I play in mage cp and we have really big adena stock. We can trade more then 7kk adena per day. This adena is not from botting. Farming in DV only. I can offer you top C grade equipment too. For now adena price is : 11 USD - 1kk. Skrill money, paypal. Skype : friedrich_fv
  8. WTS Necro 40 lvl. Demon's Staff - Best C mage weapon. + 5 I HAVE DONE IT !!! Karmian set. Elven set ( +7 speed ) Top C jewl. +12 WIT For more information pm me here or skype : friedrich_fv Skrill money, paypal. Skype : friedrich_fv
  9. WTS Top C mage staff + 5 Demons Staff - 250 USD. Skype: friedrich_fv Work with Skrill Money only.
  10. Ready to trade 9kk. NEW PRICE IS 13 USD - 1kk.
  11. 8kk is ready to trade.
  12. Hey guys. I want to offer you adena on european classic server. I play in mage cp and we have really big adena stock. We can trade more then 7kk adena per day. This adena is not from botting. Farming in DV only. I can offer you top C grade equipment too. For now adena price is : 11 USD - 1kk. Ready to trade 13kk Skrill money, paypal. Skype : friedrich_fv
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