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Posts posted by LordPanic

  1. Update for Script Companion

    Bot Companion - Party now you have the option to have more than 1 bots at the same time (if enabled).

    Note: Sorry i didn't have the patience to give them all the buffs (renewal,champion,seraphim ) and items like baium,valakas to decrease the reuse delay on skills leading to slower casting for mages,healers.


    If you want to see it live join : https://pvpforfun.com/


    Exclusive for acis 401+ revs.


  2. 6 hours ago, Orochy said:

    I'm having a problem with the maximum limit at which the character attacks the monster, above 900 radius the character receives this message for being too far away!
    there are no barriers between the monster and the character.

    Target radius is basically saying to ur bot to search for monsters in that radius. Your problem is skill radius, you have to make ur bot move closer to the target if skill range is lower than your target distance.

  3. Prices have been updated.

    Basic Pack includes: 
    Bot Helper - Companions Players can purchase a bot to assist them in farming, PvP, and more.
    Bot Helper - PvP Farmer Ideal for pvp zones to fill the numbers and always have traffic in your pvp zones.

    Price: 200e


    Additional available scripts: (require Basic Pack)

    Bot Helper  -  PVE Farmer Price: 200e new Bots start from level 1 and exp-farm up to level 80.

    Bot Helper - GM Price: 100e GM bot with implemented features, event engine, anti-bot system, chat handlers. Chat GPT.

    Exclusive for Acis 382+ revs
    Adaption price for other projects is 250e


    10/5/2023 - Update

    Bot Helper  -  PVE Farmer new
    Bots start from level 1 in starting villages and exp-farm up to level 80. You can adjust everything through XML, such as how long they will farm, how long they will stay in town, whether they will use teleportation or walk to the farming spot, and what skills, gear, and consumables they will use.


  4. 7/9/23 - Update new New Feature has been added GM Bot. Currently it has an anti-bot script attached to his AI. GM bot loads from XML (anti-bot settings too).

    • You can add for each question multiple answers.
    • You can add or remove Questions from bothelpers panel //bothelper
    • Questions are stored in XML and loaded from XML.


    Note: You create manually the GM character and then add the objectId of the GM character to the XML (you get that from characters table from database) and thats it.



    • Upvote 1
  5. 6/12/23 - Update new

    • Performance Improvements: Bots now run smoothly without using a lot of resources.
    • Settings - Party Tab: Now has the option to change the party master so bots can assist and follow other party members if chosen.
    • Settings - Solo Tab: Added the option to avoid ks-ing mobs.
    • Script - Spoiler implementation: Now you can use the spoiler as a farmer or assister.
    • Script - Recharger implementation: Now you can use rechargers without any issues.
    • Skill Animations: Smoother attacks and casting skills. Skills now work as they are supposed to without any delays.
    • Buffs - You can select buffs from your current players schemes.


    Three main scrips: Farmer , Assister, Healer

    Script Farmer: Require Fighter,Mage classes

    Supported classes for this script are:

    Ghost Sentinel, Ghost Hunter,Spectral Dancer,Storm Screamer,Fortune Seeker,Moonlight Sentinel,Wind Rider,Sword Muse,Eva's Templar,Adventurer,Sagittarius,Hell Knight,Phoenix Knight,Archmage


    Script Assister: Require Fighter,Mage classes

    Supported classes for this script are:

    Ghost Sentinel, Ghost Hunter,Spectral Dancer,Storm Screamer,Fortune Seeker,Moonlight Sentinel,Wind Rider,Sword Muse,Eva's Templar,Adventurer,Sagittarius,Hell Knight,Phoenix Knight,Archmage


    Script Healer: Require Healer classses

    Supported classes for this script are:

    Shillen Saint,Eva's Saint,Hierophant,Cardinal,Doomcryer


    Overall, the mod is officially finished, at least the PvE part of it. I will keep working on the UI. I'm not sure if I will start working on the PvP functions, but for now, I don't have any plans to do so.


    Some Videos:


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  6. Written on acis 401.


    If you are interested add me on discord Onizuka#8568


    Prices have been updated.

    Basic Pack includes: 
    Bot Helper - Companions  Video Players can purchase a bot to assist them in farming, PvP, and more.
    Bot Helper - PvP Farmer Video Ideal for pvp zones to fill the numbers and always have traffic in your pvp zones.

    Price: 200e


    Additional available scripts: (require Basic Pack)

    Bot Helper - PvE Farmer Video Price: 200e new Bots start from level 1 and exp-farm up to level 80.

    Bot Helper - GM Video Price: 100e GM bot with implemented features, event engine, anti-bot system, chat handlers. Chat GPT.


    Support: The mod comes with comprehensive support and access to its GitHub repository for regular updates.


    Exclusive for Acis 382++ revs
    Adaption price for other projects is 250e


    10/5/2023 - Update

    Bot Helper  -  PvE Farmer new
    Bots start from level 1 in starting villages and exp-farm up to level 80. You can adjust everything through XML, such as how long they will farm, how long they will stay in town, whether they will use teleportation or walk to the farming spot, and what skills, gear, and consumables they will use.

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  7. l2j,acis,sunrise and many other projects who copy-pasted the same formula have the same issue.

    You are right drop rate and drop chance dont work the way they suppose to and currently they work only for untouched rates (x1). Part of the mess is here:

    while (random < dropChance)
                    // Get the item quantity dropped
                    if (min < max)
                        itemCount += Rnd.get(min, max);
                    else if (min == max)
                        itemCount += min;
                    // Prepare for next iteration if dropChance > DropData.MAX_CHANCE
                    dropChance -= DropData.MAX_CHANCE;

    Currently one variable is responsible for 2 things (drop rate , drop chance). Sadly you have to rework the whole formula and make 2 config variables one for drop rate and one for drop chance  and this problem is arround l2j since for ever im surprised nobody mentioned it.


  8. As title says.

    Note: You can change the colors etc from xml.


    setKarma(getKarma() + Formulas.calculateKarmaGain(getPkKills(), target instanceof Summon));
    // Send UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter
    endPacket(new UserInfo(this));
    if (Config.ALLOW_BOAT)


    pastebin pass: maxcheaters





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  9. Saves all active toggle skills from player and it restores them back on revive.  Ideal for a pvp zone or in general if u want to.


    //To save player effects (onDie) 
    //To Restore player effects (onRevive)




    pastebin pass: maxcheaters



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  10. Bladedancer 58 - Full top C grade

    Spoiler 22 - Full top D grade


    Master Account included.


    Price : 400

    Master Email: Extra 100


    Payment Method: PayPal (friends&family)


    contact me via pm here

    Made a lot of sells in the past via this platform and never had problems with any client.

  11. 1 hour ago, L2Review said:

    This seems like it would be effective against actual bots, but you only show how anti-bot works in town.

    How would this work if a real player has a train of mobs or killing Raid Bosses with minions?

    Stop everything and run to 3 different markers? Will a real player be able to see or run to markers if mobs are over them?

    There has to be a balance between effective anti-bot protection and how much it interferes with the game play of real players to be considered successful.


    I showed just the captcha at the town because i didnt want to make an actual video hiting mobs and wait for the captcha to appear which is very boring for me so i decided to go straight to the point and how it looks like.


    About the how players will manage to see and react while they have trains etc.  I mean u have a message in the center of ur screen and idealy 1 minute of captcha duration which is plenty to finish whatever u do and finish the captcha. Markers always appear close to player (random) but still close to player. Captcha counts only monsters and not rb or rb minions.


    As melron said idealy it would be great to check the geo locs of markers and if it's possible for player to reach the markers. Also i need to remove if is3rd and change it to isin2d.

  12. Antibot system (acis 401)


    Inorder to make the antibot system work u have to add the zone id in xml you can add as many as you want. 


    pastebin pass: maxcheaters











    +AntibotProtection.getInstance().updateMonsterCounter(killer, this);


    StringUtil.printSection("Quests & Scripts");







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  13. 4 minutes ago, An4rchy said:


    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't being negative on my initial reply I only wanted to know the purpose of such npc/bot in a server.


    Doesn't sound too bad of an idea in my opinion, it's just that it doesn't really fit l2 and it would only anger players. But still, it could be really fun to work on this. L2OvC has a system similar to the one you described, where bots participate in PvP events and other stuff.

    I didnt get offended dont worry. Nah i dont mean mindless bots who are been runned by scripts and do things like the ovc u mentioned.


    Well i play this shitty game for centuries and believe me i would love to see a server with this feature (PVE based). Where you can buy a bot lvl 1 exp it , gear it enchant his gear (basically like a pet but compared to a common pet u get all this options). Then ofc depending on what type of a bot a player buys (assister/healer/etc) it will behave like that (the sky is the limit) and build the whole server arround that.

    • Like 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, An4rchy said:

    Maybe I misunderstood, this is basically an NPC buffer that follows you and looks like a player?


    Would be nice for a low rate that doesn't allow dual box perhaps, but other than that why not use a buff book or community board buffer.


    My initial idea was to create a multipurpose fake player. But compared to elfos thing. You can build a whole concept arround it. Like creating a PVE server where players can customize,gear,lvl up the bots and give a unique feature to the community. Since i dont plan to open a server ever. There you go i gave u ppl my idea (sth interesting to work on) and tbh i would play in such server. Obviously if ppl dont like my shitty share and got the skills to make it even better from scratch there u go.

    • Like 1
  15. As title says fake player buffer. This mod is made so players can avoid using 4 different chars to buff themselves and also add something for admins to "sell" to players. Obviously inorder to sell such thing u have to add a simple npc buffer and use this premium feature for the rest. It can be triggered with item so players can buy this thing as an item but u have to buy it either with donation coin or whatever crap admins can think of (not included u have to make it). Since it's loading x numbers of bots from xml you have limited supplies of bots to sell it doesnt matter in the end if u are skilled dev u can optimise the code or fix whatever u dont like. It's a free share in the end.


    Buffer Conditions

    Bot only give buffs while it's within a party. You have to select the target to give buffs to (same with schemes). It has also radius conditions players must be close to the bot inorder to receive buffs. Player needs to be party leader or w.o party inorder to invite the bot in party. If player isnt in owners radius it will teleport to him.


    Missing Conditions

    I didnt add important conditions such if player is in oly/siege or whatever place u dont want the bot buffer to be (you have to add it).


    Screenshots / Vids

    This window is for admins only.

    Details window for the bot

    Main fake bot window

    Fake bot buffer solo buffs video

    Fake bot buffer scheme buffs video

    Follow / Unfollow behavior

    Fake bot party invite


    Pastebin pass: maxcheaters






    Command Handlers  <-- I believe at this point everyone got their own custom command handlers. If u want to spawn the bot with an item

    u have to make the right adjustments.



    path: \data\html\mods\fakebots







    path: \data\xml




    +StringUtil.printSection("Custom Mods");


    + * Ignore fake bot
    + */
    +if(_actor instanceof FakePc) {			
    +else if (!_actor.getClient().performAction(FloodProtector.MOVE))


    +private final Map<Integer, FakePc> _ownerFakePcs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();	
    +boolean _setFakeBot = false;
    +* Custom Bots
    +* @return the list of bots for this player
    +public Collection<FakePc> getOwnerFakePcs()
    +	return _ownerFakePcs.values();
    +public void setOwnerFakePc(FakePc bot)
    +	_ownerFakePcs.put(bot.getObjectId(), bot);
    +public void setFakeBot(boolean bot) {
    +	_setFakeBot = bot;
    +public boolean isFakeBot() {
    +	return _setFakeBot;


    MOVE(13, Config.MOVE_TIME),



    I guess credits go to Tryskell too since i basically copy/paste all already existed scheme buffer methods and elfo for getting ideas from his code.

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