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Everything posted by Tomatobread

  1. like title said account #1 - no time DE Archer 28.5 Elf Mage 28.7 Spoiler 26.5 Account #2 - 8 days left SE 28.6 20$ for account #1 20$ for account #2 all payment in USD thanks :) pm or add skype Akasia691 thanks
  2. 1.5kk left sorry for spam this must go :P super cheap will sell for 13$ for 1.5kk
  3. looking Quitting L2 to play Blade and soul, liquidating my account. everything must go, I will sell below market price, don't want to deal with this game anymore :) 1.5kk adena left right now, 11.5$ - 1kk PM or contact me on Skype Akasia691 Instant delivery, Will open trade before you send money to ensure you know I have the gold :)
  4. Bow sold to Nuub, thanks for the transaction.
  5. scammer beware, stay away.
  6. added Accounts and Adena thank you!
  7. WTS ITEMS TOP D on the server L2 Classic EU Skelth! What is Avaliable: Light Crossbow +5 - SOLD Atuba Mace +5 - 125$ USD Elven Mithril set - 10$ USD also got some misc stuff just ask also WTS ACCS! Account 1 LV28.5 DE archer LV28 Elf Wizard LV26 Dwarf Spoiler Account 2 LV21 Cleric LV28 DE cleric these level will continue to go up until i sell the accounts. price will change as level up go as well Payment by PAYPAL ONLY, sent by Friends or Family to me, after money is receive item will be deliver within 2min, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO BUY, PM HERE OR CONTACT ME SKYPE Akasia691 IF I AM NOT AVALIABLE, CHECK WITH ME AGAIN THE NEXT DAY, MY HOURS ARE 12PM EST - 4AM EST
  8. bump trusted and super fast delivery, 100% recommend
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