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Everything posted by gokussj4af

  1. I've done that How to install? 1. Add this in the gs/data/ scripts.cfg Code: [select] custom/Buffer/Buffer.java 2. Buffer folder to Code: [select] gameserver\data\scripts\custom 3. Edit gameserver\data\scripts\custom\Buffer Buffer.java and change npc's id Code: [select] int NPC_BUFF_ID = 12345; //Buffer's id 4. Npc's type must be L2Npc. 5. Enjoy and test 8). In game i can spawn him and talk, i see option "scheme buffer" but when i try to click on that option it disappear. ///edit sory my mistake i did install another buffer before your's and thats why i got that message But still i see that : and when i click on it window disappear.
  2. some one can help? Class not found L2BufferInstance. rev 290
  3. Its good. Very good but why u guys are putting that stroke everywere :P ? XD
  4. Try to work on ur fonts.
  5. Nice one. You could try do edit render abit but its good :)
  6. Yeah try to download alot of fonts and try one by one with one suits.
  7. That stroke on render dont makes any sense. Try other methods to overlay him into image.
  8. Looks like u dont put stroke on render?
  9. Nice, but left side of the graphic looks a bit empty.
  10. I just drag and drop it. Then option copy files. Im green. Trying to understand how to add buffer by eclipse. Thx for you're help.
  11. I got problem with java. Im green btw. ;P
  12. THX :) Little buffed, crash on accesory but i will change it :) THX :)
  13. Class not found L2BufferInstance. I used rev 290 When i click on scheme buffer in game button. Nothing happens.
  14. How to spown him? what id he has?
  15. Hello, i got a question how to edit these red dragon on the right of background? I was serching for this dragon on images but nothing ... How to change that ?
  16. I got problem with 3rd point. I created a npc with id 999 in my npc database but it dont works.
  17. Cool website, but can you reupload because links are broken.
  18. o exo dei se kapioa ala forums kai exi fasi. ixane giro stis 500 apantisis emis pou exoume tosi oreksi gia koubenta 8a tous perasoume sigoura :mrgreen: i kanones tou pexnidiou: 8a sas pw mia lexi kai o epomenos pou grafei prepei na brei mia lexi pou teriazei. p.x.: grafw: MP3 apantsi: MP3 - Download epomenos: Download - Upload epomenos: Upload - argei epomenos: argei - sthn ellada ( :lol: ) klp. klp. klp. an apantane 2 users tautoxrona metraei auto to post pou deixnei proto. deite panta to teleutaio post prin kanete apantish! xekiname loipon? grafw loipon: Xristougena
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