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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. ye i get money outta it :P what do they do ? xD u should... ahh.. forget about it >.> when ur on msn nudge me.. I didnt ment to act like a idiot troll but come on :P this photoshop thingy is like fasion TV here we got even transvestites lol. And it scares the shit outta me when i see ppl so disgustingly hippocratic here >.<
  2. cool then e have a deal :P You, vampire?
  3. hahaha he was referring to Devangell (his not realiseing it) Thats so freaking douche baggy, come on do u see me with "pro java dev 2010 l2j archid, l2jserver, l2jdot" ? And the only thing a client dev can do is photoshop images =) Lauq is the only one who is more advance then that and im willing to actually buy him l2 client source code from russian teams, thus he will be able to do more. And guess what, you dont see him douche bagging! Later edit.. read it all >.>
  4. STOP IT! if i see one more crappy out of place comment ima lock the topic and raule will have the pleasure in banning each and one of you who dose it.
  5. come on... really? you guys have too much free time to spend on silly paint em' competitions.. find smth more useful to do is my advice >.> cus its getting pathetic seeing stupid stuff like this on a week to week basis >.> Its just proving retardation.. My <3l3 1n73rn37 l1f3 & 1n73rn37 l0v3 + r3sp3c7 >.>
  6. they also got hawt chicks xD i was about to marry one ><
  7. Come on do u realize how stupid and kiddish that looks? xD
  8. No one sayd its building it and if u take a look at the topic title it says discussion. not in progress or anything else.
  9. mostly his a stuck up bitch >.> no ty xD
  10. There u go buddy ^^ Wish ya luck with ur eclipse >.>
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oJUXTCAvyQ Internet love is just like that -^ Song pwns xD Ye i posted it in ro section too, problems bitch? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHWmNBQEcUM
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oJUXTCAvyQ Internet love is just like that -^
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