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About iRikku

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Recomended. Fast service
  2. Hello i want to sell 85 adventurer subs: wc 75/ wl 75/ he 75 eq: vesper noble set +5/4/4/4/4 60/60/60 attri per item vesper dual daggers +4- 300 holy vesper shaper cd +4 300 holy bizu: vorpal earing/ vesper 2xring, neackle/ dyna earing all+3 skills +15/+12 + adena + other stuff leave pm here or send a mail dzikvs@yahoo.com
  3. I have to sell DC 80 account + mail Gear list: - fenrir 77 top eq - koka 80 top eq -koka 65 no eq - som +12 + acu -napoleon hat, ruthless tribe mask, ribbon hairband - dc set +6 robe - 725kk adena - tm hvy set +4 - dc set +0 robe ( x2 ) -tm set + 0 hvy ( x2 ) - ews x4 - a lot of other enchants - some other grade stuff - MJ bizu set +3 / 2nd _+3 I want sell account with items so priv me only your offerts for acc + eq. leave msg here or Skype: tadeusz.dylak or by mail: dzikvs@yahoo.com
  4. WTB DC with cov/cop/ magnus pm me with offerts. acc only with a mail.
  5. trusted and fast +
  6. i looking for a wc with cov/ cop
  7. do you have a wc with a cov/cop?
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