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About Masterd3v1l

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  1. Thank you that is enough i think for what i need.
  2. Well i want to add 2 custom coins ingame to be a currency. That is what i want if possibel. A guide that teaches how to do that.
  3. Hi guys, can anybody share or teach how to make and insert an item? Like i want to add Custom Coins. All guides i see here are deleted
  4. Ty so much! This tool is awesome.
  5. Thank you for your answer Wyatt, i was already suspecting that was the only way :/ about the 2º have any idea?
  6. Hi guys, can anybody help me in 2 situations? 1º - which is the code for when a player talks to an npc and the npc shows the player's name in text. I used to have idea that it was %target or $target or something like that... But its not working 2º - Is there any list or anyway i can find out which code's exist like this ones L2UI_CH3.refinewnd_back_Pattern, L2UI_CT1.Button_DF, L2UI.SquareGray etc etc... Basicly all the L2UI. codes. Thank you guys.
  7. aaaaaaah thank you so much! Now i understand :)
  8. ah i see, but could you explain me better how the Category(sweep=-1): work
  9. Well we have NPC Item ID: <-- ( Id of the item i want to add ) Min Count: <--- ( minimal of drop i want to have when i kill mob? ) Max Count: <--- ( maximum of drop i want to have when i kill mob? ) Category(sweep=-1): <--(dunno what this means or do ) Chance (0-1000000): <--- ( how this works?)
  10. Hi guys, as the title says, can anybody tell me or explain me how is the Drop Formula inside the Game. Like adding a drop to a mob and make the rate of drop and quantity.
  11. Can you make a Guide for Drop Formula ingame?
  12. indeed what was the last pack he send you?
  13. i think this project is dead... started good, ended in a bad way... waste of my money :/
  14. //true most of the guides are outdated, like everybody forgets that eclipse changes image and updates making some options unavailebel and this guide is up to date
  15. damn links !!! most of the time broken -.- can someone upload it back? thank you
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