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About MaDaFTWs

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  1. new server comming up for my players :D.
  2. WE are all moneyhunters :D. we make servers for the people who wanna play free servers, donation is optional. :). we are happy and players are happy. i dont see where is the problem. i didnt force no one to join in my server, :). i dont understand why u make such a reply here, with no sense. :). PS: NO DONATIONS = NO MORE FREE SERVERS thanks you .
  3. Truested ;). i just exchanged 200euro ;).
  5. the 1st picture is from the old Galion Season, i like it so i choice it ;).
  7. gl dude
  8. Lineage 2 Galion Grand Open will be day 17.12.15 at 18:00 GMT+2 FRESH START : JOIN US!! Features Startup system Chroncle: Interlude Mode: Custom PvP Starting level: 80 Starting adena: 320.000.000 Basic Rates Experience: 1200x Skill Points: 1200x Party Rates: (EXP/SP) 1200x Adena Drop Rate: 1200x Augmentation About augments, We will have an augment shop.You will have to buy your augment. Peple are available to use 1+1 augment for more balance. Augment in AUGMENT MANNAGER with 25% Chance. Enchant Rates Enchant Safe: +3 Enchant Weapon Max: +20 Enchant Armor Max: +20 Normal Enchant Scroll Rate 66% Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate: 90% Improve Scroll Enchant from +15 to +20: 100% Custom Community Board -Announcements -Rules -Staff -GM Shop -Features -Events -Gameplay -Top Players / Heroes / Clans / Castles / Stats -Support -Contact -Donate Info Additional Features Auto Loot: Enabled Auto Loot Raid Disabled Auto Learn Skills: Enabled Weight Limit: Disabled Grade penalty: Enabled Max Subclasses: Three (3) Subclass Without Quest Bow is dissabled for Tanks, Titans, Tyrants, Warlords. No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 30 seconds Custom Name Color. You will have your name color changed : When you wear the top armor "Ancient Apella" Custom Title Color. Your title will become red only if you are a clan leader. Player which have done the most damage to the monster will get the drop. Blade Dancer & Sword Singer We have added 2 Dances and 2 Songs in Blade Dancer/Sword Singer class so they have a chance in PVPs. - Dance of Alignment: Increases resistance against holy and dark attacks by 10%. - Dance of Berserker: Increases all offensive stats by 8%, but decreases all defensive stats by 8%. - Song of Elemental: Increases resistance against elemental attacks by 7%. - Song of Wind Storm: Increases bow resistance by 20% for 5 minutes. These dances and songs can't affect other class, they are self buffs. Customized Raidbosses We have replaced the retail Raidbosses with some customs ones without overpowering their statistics. The names of the Raidbosses are the same as the original ones. Example: If you want Valakas Neckalce, you'll have to kill a raiboss called Valakas. Customized Equipment System Armors: Wavy,Dynasti and Galion Armors Weapons: Wavy,Dynasti and Galion Weapons Accessories: Galion Mask Tattoos: Retail tattoos with special stats. Jewels: Raid Boss Set. Additional Information Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). Bow is dissabled for Tanks, Titans, Tyrants. No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids. Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP). Unique killing spree system. Raid Boss announce. Player spawn protection - 30 seconds /unstuck - 15 seconds Offline shop [add your shop and exit] Offline Trade: Max 5 days PVP Name Color Changes/PK Title Color Changes. Player which have done the most damage to the monster will get the drop. Customized Noblesse System Ready up your party! In order to become Noblesse you'll need to kill a Noblesse Raidboss named Barakiel If you're skilled enough to kill the Grand Boss, your party will automatically become noblesse. ATTENTION: If someone in your party has already been granted with Noblesse status, he can't become Noblesse again. Events We're using retail Events in our server, this way noone can be confused about the event's purpose. The events available events are: Team vs Team. Custom Zones Main Town Safe Zone Farm Zone [PVP] Hard Farm Zone [PVP/PK] PVP/Multifunctional Zone + RaidBoss Machine Ram : 32GB CPU : 8 CORES DISK: 400GB DDOS PROTECTION! Website / Forum
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