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Everything posted by Rookie69

  1. Hello, i instal all and when i try to open bake ice l2.exe the gameguard just crashes and it wont open. any idea about that? im using windows 7 too.
  2. without windows 7 doesnt work? i have windows XP and btw you tested and it worked with windows 7? Because i follow all steps of that thread and it doesnt pass the little window after i confirm logina and pass..
  3. INI file: http://www3.bigupload.com/d=TSJEHL0CBX
  4. Chronicle: Freya Site: http://www.lineage2plasmatic.com/ INI: http://www3.bigupload.com/d=TSJEHL0CBX Account: test123 Pass: 123test
  5. I could need some help putting to work in Freya server L2 Plasmatic http://www.lineage2plasmatic.com/ i tryed everything but i cant put it reading with the server... server IP: Help me pls
  6. the c5 to interlude packets changer link isnt working can anyone send it to my email account please»? rockdavid69@gmail.com ty for the help
  7. do you have any Out Game Walker working? Btw can you put again the link of L2net that one isnt working for me...
  8. btw im using Windows XP 5.1 if it helps
  9. hello all...i tryed the IG but i cant find an gameguard killer so i have allways error when i log in non-Bake ICE L2 (about hacking tool), if someone could share his system folder of the non-isogames patch i would thank About OOG i done everything well but when i select server and come back to choose char it wont do anything and eventually i get and time out error...both arent working for me and i check everything... if anyone could share the host file i will thank too... Greetings
  10. hi comunity im new here and im trying for so long to put l2walker to work in the new Bake Ice Launcher in Server Isogames... I have the token, the server adress, the port, protocol but with all this info the walker continue not to working...its very hard this new laucher block system/l2.exe and works only throught Gameguard launcher... Can anyone help me pls? Regards all
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