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Everything posted by Thang

  1. One my word, and you all will know some shits and must call to ambulance =)
  2. поддерживаю)
  3. you are the world? im the dog Skylord? ))) proofs or balabol ))
  4. Treshak, you so fucking dumb ... People, who play with you - trust you, buy i warning before on forum l2mid - you a facking rat scammer ... You try to fuck the owner l2mid, and you catch a dick in ur ass and mouth )))) If you have expirience to fuck some admins from another servers, it is not means, you can fuck smarted admin like Skylord) He is a good admin, and he have best server in Europe. Your bullshit failed 2nd time season l2mid, but ... How to show practice - owner have money, and again strengthened expirience with morons, who want to fail server. Next time, i hope, Skylord and he's support\staff do on start some things with retards like you. You can buy new PC and name right now, cuz trAshak is not more play on l2mid. Hey, watchers: wanna play on best interlude server in Europe? Join to L2mid and enjoy. Please, be smarted, and dont listen this idiot treshak, he coming on l2mid to try get some money by rmt, but Skylord catch his ass, and now he try to find any "fake"proofs to shitting L2mid name. Be smarted! Good luck.
  5. up this shit
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/burkovskiy 13.11.2015
  7. I never see this forum\site before, so i registered here 1 week ago.
  8. :forever alone like a boss:
  9. best retards, who cant understand, how work any service and how hard to keep good name on your project...
  10. i dont care who are you, i told you, how i see on this
  11. It's a business like a - you coming in market for get some bread + butter and sausage and you not be hungry. You want to play ? You have free time ? Okay, SkyLord opened server for you and you play. Dont be stupid like a kid, you must understand, Lineage II it's a business for creators and pleasure with relax for clients who want to play.
  12. Cuz admins and full option on best stage, and this server better than fucking li.ru \ euro-pvp \ ketrawars L2mid best option INTERLUDE !
  13. nice brain demonstration ...
  14. Are you idiot ? ))))))))))))))))))) I played in Impulse for ... wait a second, i found screen. https://pp.vk.me/c624823/v624823929/34e64/PByBtgVGOyE.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c624823/v624823929/34f90/wnWNCNilgoQ.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c624823/v624823929/339f5/qvXPnWN5S-c.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c624823/v624823929/339eb/l0f1jAKe0N0.jpg https://pp.vk.me/c624823/v624823929/339e1/0xf79PQoM1Y.jpg Server opened - 10 april 2015 Date - 01 June 2015 So it's 2 weeks ? ))))) Maybe 4 weeks ? For 01.06.2015 -> clan Impulse have more than 30+ players vs. Fabio clan (LT\CZ\SK) ppl and other BR\Arg clan. So - SHUT A FUCK UP, and dont open your stinky mouth if you not sure for 100 persent, retard!
  15. This opened server be real alive more than 2 months. Im sure for 100 %!
  16. Are you idiot ? 4 opened l2 mid server live'd more than 5-10 weeks
  17. L2mid.com 13 november PREPARE YOUR BALLZ !1!!!!
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