OPENING 17/9/2015
PANDORA [ XP: 15x SP: 15x Drop: 10x Adena: 15x Spoil: 10x ] Server Hardware: Intel Xeon 3400 6 GB RAM 120 GB SSD 100 Mbps Backbone Ddos Protected Main Features: Low rate No Donations. Retail like gameplay Auto-Loot Free 1st & 2nd Class Change Offline trading Max +16 / Safe +3 Scroll Chance 60% Free teleportation Description: Pandora is the server for the players who want to be in a donation free enviorment. Pandora is also for the type of player that wants to work hard for their levels, equipment, etc. The server is using the Classic version of Lineage 2. The main characteristics of Lineage 2 Classic are the following: C1-like Maximum Grade is B No C3+ Features Max Level 75 Giran & Oren are the Highest Towns